What is the best H1 Mask out now?

What is the best H1 mask that is available now? I want to get a new one for my collection and can’t decide. Any help would be appreciated.

For me a toss-up between Night Owl’s Psycho and Nik’s Nightmare.

IMO it is the HSS '99 Kirk and the NAG Nightmare

for me it’s is a pick between three mask
JC/NAG h78
or of course the nightmare


The NAG/AHG H78 is the way to go brother! :rock: Doesn’t get much better than that dude.

well if you want sumtin for a low good price…i would go with hss maniacal h1! :finga:

THE NEMESIS FROM CRYPT CO STUDIOS!!! :smiley: :finga: :rock: :rock: :rock: :drinkers: :drinkers: :drinkers: :drinkers: :drinkers:

Well I am gonna have to say my 30th proto will be a close contender after JC does his magic to it :slight_smile:



It’s all in the eye of the beholder. Although, some of the best of what’s out there has already been said.

The NAG Cover mask… Just my opinion.

I would say H78 by NAG…

My advice?
Dont get caught up in all the hype. Its like fashion. Something comes along…and ‘‘ITS THE BEST THING EVER AND WILL NEVER BE TOPPED’’ Before you know it…The hype goes down and the mask is barely talked about.
But there is a few classics out there…I’d say


More costly:


Hope this helps. and Like I said, Dont get caught up in all the childish school like hype. Just go with what YOU like.

Oh yeah…
And not to mention the October78 and Second Stab.

I love the Second Stab

NAG Nightmare
Psycho 78
DB2 (my avatar)

I’m on the same page with Benny.
You may throw in a Stab as well, since I’ve noticed that there has been more demand for it lately…

It’s a matter of taste my friend. The H78 is a great H1. I personally like the NAG UL75 Kirk mask converted to Myers. I mean that’s what they did on 78 is convert a Kirk mask, and Niks Kirk mask Unleashed 75 makes for a great H1 mask. That’s my personal preference. JC does a great conversion on the KIrks. Here is mine

Personaly I go with the H78 for the price range I have to work with mine was converted by JC

But if I were to make a list in no particular order would have to go

Mint DP original Kirk ( in EVERYONES dreams ha ha )