I bought it over the internet in 2004 or '05. It’s a huge mask, fits horribly even on my big head. Since I don’t like this mask and my don post is pretty much ruined I would really like to get my hands on a decent mask. I was thinking of going with cryptco’s warlock, or maybe even dealing with someone in the classifieds once I am no longer among the “unemployed” in America lol
What do people think when comparing cryptco’s warlock to the older cemetery gates products? Just looking at the pics of both it seems like the CG ones are alot better, but it’s so hard to tell from a pic sometimes. Thanks in advance for any replies
Thanks guys, it is a very big mask, my head just swims in it. I also don’t like the hair too much. I was thinking of doing some minor modifications. Maybe a little trim and possibly some velcro for the back…