Heard rumors that the tots 78 won’t be sold in stores? Not sure how true that it. But curious what will be in stores. I started this hobby this January, and I remeber last year they had the H40, A Rob Zombie Beggining mask, and a ToTs H2 delux… I remeber laughing at the d elux to my girlfriend cause all the skin tone neck (always liked Michael but never knew much in detail till recently) now I’m kicking myself for not grabbing the H2 for the cheap price then as can’t seem to find an unaltered version for no less than $80. So with most the h2 out of stock, what should i expect from the local stores I’m guessing H40s but any others?
Most likely your going to see that same line up this year. From TOTS you will see the H2 and the H40 at Spirit stores, and if there is a Party City near you, you will see the H2, H6, and H40 at those stores.
None of the new masks from this year will be in stores. The H78, the H4 and the H5 will NOT be in stores, unless it’s a mom and pop store that happens to order them in. Even then that’s not a guarantee. The only official way you can obtain this years new lineup is from TOTS themselves, or here on the Michael-Myers Net store.
The Rob Zombie Myers masks are from Fun World. Those do show up in Spirit and Party City, however the quality is quite low on those masks.
So your going to have to pre-order from TOTS, or wait for Michael-Myers Net stock to come in, if you want an H78, H4 or H5.
To be honest I am actually surprised that Party City stocks 3 different TOTS Myers masks, as well as that crappy Rob Zombie Myers mask, making for 4 different Myers masks in their stores. Too bad they can’t scrap that crappy Fun World Rob Zombie Myers mask and replace it with the H78, but that’s not going to happen. At least not this year.
So to recap, the new 2019 Myers lineup will NOT be in stores this year. You must pre-order from TOTS, or wait for Michael-Myers Net stock to come in, which at the earliest will be August.
If anyone has different information than that, then by all means please post it, but as of right now that’s what I understand to be the case.
I ordered from Big Bad Toy Store instead of dealing with TOTS. Pre-order was still in stock last week.
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Yeah I ordered a ToTs 78 already i was just curious. I just started collecting in January so never yet had the experience of just going to the store to pick up masks. I did buy the RZ costume bundle for the mask last year and rehauled it already. I may have to go to party city now in search of an H6 maybe… I doubt I’ll get H4 or H5 I can’t stand those. I did convert a very very bad Don Post I bought for $20 into an H4 by cutting some it’s long hair too add the side burns and gave it a repaint, even then it doesn’t look as confused as the H4 did. I watch H4 and everytime I see that mask i think Michael is waiting to ask some important question he’s been having trouble answering. But knowing the 78 won’t be in stores I may have to add 1 more to my order now. Thanks guys.
The TOTS H2 Deluxe is back in stock, it was unavailable for awhile (I was watching, it’s my favorite Myers look). Just touch up the neck a little with some white on a sponge and you’re good to go. I know Nightmare Toys has a sale right now on masks, and they have the TOTS H2 available FYI
Yeah I just looked at tots site too to look at price for a child’s clown costume for my young Michael mannequin and glanced h2 deluxe, Elrod, ressurection, and h20 masks are all in stock… I have to try to hold off on buying them so I have something to grab when I do go to a store haha
BigBadToyStore is great with their safe shipping, but honestly they take 2 or 3 weeks to ship out stuff, so alot of people may get their masks before you. Just my experience with the company
Yeah I forgot about BBTS stocking TOTS masks. They just started doing that last year. And yes, shipping may take a bit with them, but it’s definitely a solid option. They only have the H40 and the H78, not seeing the H4 or H5 on there. So if those are desired, looks like TOTS or here at MM net is the only options for those.