What to do with this Dele Torre 1st Gen buried

Hello brothers and sisters, I’m torn as to what to do with my RZ Buried. A part of me wants to leave this stock finished mask and a part of me wants to get it rehauled by a respected artist in the community. I bought this close to 8 years ago off of ebay. Paid roughly 500 CAD. First Myers mask ever purchased; sentimental value is there for sure. I’m open to trades but also don’t want to rehaul/overhaul and affect its rarity and price…I know…talk about first world problems. Any guidance/advice is greatly appreciated. This community is beyond beautiful!

That thing is perfect I wouldn’t touch it. Get it in a glass case and cherish it.

Right on brother! Thanks for your feedback :fist_right::fist_left:

Leave it!! That is a beast and one of the nicest copies I’ve personally seen

Duly noted! Thanks for the reply!

Anytime dude. And I’ve always been the guy to sell masks for what I got em for and ended up with a list of lost masks to losers and liars. It did help find the real ones here. My point being I’ve seen copies that are all original listed and sold for sky-high prices on eBay and FB.

You’ve got yourself a rare mask that’s in mint condition and highly sought after especially in Rob Zombie Halloween groups. I’d personally hold onto it but if ever you do decide to sell let me know man! I know the hair isn’t ideal on those OG copies but a little misting goes a long way! The paint is perfect and with just a little styling the hair will match. Beautiful mask

Leave it!! I miss my first gen buried with the paint more than anything. It was my favorite mask for so long.

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I’m curious what makes up the text of that “Devil’s Eyes” book.

Nothing…it’s really just a romance novel with a printed front and back to resemble the book in the movie. Movie magic I guess?

Michael Myers romance novel? Count me in

I agree to leave it as is. The Gen 1s were great, and you have a killer copy!

Thanks, brother! :beers: very sound advice from everyone here. Now I’m on the hunt to get an undershell to enhance it that much more! Everyone here truly makes up a beautiful community!