Whats going on with rehauls?

Dont mean to offend anyone with this topic or anything, this is something im curious about and still wondering if this is the state of the hobby or if im getting ridiculous quotes.heres what i dont get;

When it comes to h18 rehauls it seems certain people are quoting ridiculous prices and the masks are not even provided by them or made by them. I would understand paying 400-500 for an h18 if tots didnt offer theirs and wasnt straight from the movie mold but tots have already provided most of the work, not saying some of these artists are not putting their blood sweat and tears into these rehauls but some are charging ridiculous prices. I wont name any names but i was recently quoted almost 400$ for an h18 rehaul and thats with me providing the mask plus shipping it over there and then having it shipped back. I know some of them justify it if the paint needs to be striped off but still, just feels way too over overpriced imo. Is there any other reasons why? Maybe im missing something.

It’s demand really. The new movie is popular, there’s a lot of demand for rehauls and demand for the mask in general. I wouldn’t pay anything like that either, but people will, so they sell for that much. Heck last October I saw a Cinema Secrets Deluxe Resurrection go for around $300 and a pretty common H6 go for around $600 (both auction prices not buy it now), it was crazy.

People have payed those prices in the past so people know they can get away with charging that much. It is rediculous prices unfortunately. And from I’ve seen most of these guys aren’t stripping the paint. Some are, no doubt, but most are painting over them. It’s put me off from getting an H40 mask

I don’t get into the drama side of things but yea there are some shady artists. I never have seen somebody asking $400, but there is a middle-ground. Some dudes offer rehauls for $40 but essentially you are paying them to use your mask as a part of their trial-and-error. Realistically, 9 out of 10 established artists who have been doing this for a while, will charge between $150-225 for a full mask rehaul. Ask around the forums here as to not waste money on an unknown or less-than-ideal artist.

I will agree I have seen some that are $250+ and lots of times that’s for just a repaint and fix of the hair. Not saying they look bad because a lot of these artist do amazing work but it’s steep.

I was trying to remember why I walked away from this hobby and upon returning to this forum I remember. It’s the prices. Even honest and fair prices in this hobby are so high. I am so grateful to have my $60 TOTS mask but I would have also been happy with four $15 Walgreens masks.