Which Halloween Movie....

i figure 90% of the replies will be H1

I had recurring nightmares for 6 years after seeing HALLOWEEN at age 8. At the age of 10 I saw HALLOWEEN II and it scared me even more. The music really scared me. I used to watch both films with my hands over my ears or the volume turned down. :laughing: Both of those films kept me awake many a night. :open_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue:

and now look at ya…hahaha

for the most part, i couldn’t have said that better myself my friend. h2 (1981) is freakin’ CREEPY! right from the intro when the skull came outta the jack i shat my pants :mrgreen:

h1 (1978) comes a close 2nd for me too. seeing through mike’s clown mask as he stabbed the sh*t outta his freshly banged sister gave me the chills!

h6 comes 3rd… for some reason, the part in h6 when they’re talking about michael on the radio gave me the creeps! that whole flick has a creepy feeling to it. i do however like the producer’s cut better though.

h20 comes 4th for me simply because of jamie lee curtis’ return (i didn’t like how they shat on the series though). and also because it’s the only halloween film i saw at the movies.

so in the order the movies impacted me it’s h2, h1, h6 and h20.


Halloween 1978 is what started it all for me. My favorite horror movie of all time. But H2 was also great. We saw Michaels character more on screen. The scene that creeped me out the most from H1 when i was younger, was when michael was behind a bush.

H4, definately H4… it was the first one id ever seen, but on accident!

i was playing with a friend oif mine when i was 6 or 7, and we felt like watching a cartoon. so, we turned on the TV. My mom is a big horror finatic, so since it was close to halloween, she was watching a horror movie earlier. i turned on the tv to see Michael sit up next to jamies bed, and that picture scared the living hell out of me, i ran outside screaming, my mom wasnt suprised, and 9 or 8 years later, here i am now!!

H2 without a doubt. H1 never really creeped me out. Don’t get me wrong, Castle did great, but the mask just didn’t do it for me. When Warlock wore the mask, it just took on such a psychotic look without going overboard (like H5). Whenever I see people here posting costume shots with a really nice H2 mask, it still gives me chills. :open_mouth:

probably H2 overall, but H1 and H4 follow closely!!!

I have to go with the original H1. The music score alone is worth watching.

I would have to say H4. To me H4 is the only one where Michael doesn’t play around. He is set on killing. In all the others, alot of the time he spends time stalking or stalling when somebody says his name or calls him Uncle Boogeyman. I think he’s more evil in part 4. This is the only one where he actually spends more time fullfilling his mission and nobody is going to get in his way. :mrgreen:

For me absolutely H2 (1981) because it’s darker, Warlock is even more demonic, the movie is faster, a man/killer is permanently on the run and the whole movie you have no time to breath. H1 (1978) is the best about suspense but H2 is total mayhem! That’s why H2 had and still has the bigger impact on me… :axe:

I would have to pick…probably rob zombies h2.I know not to many people liked it, but I personally loved it.I liked tyler mane as michael myers mosly because of his giantness and crazy brutality.I also loved the exposed mask.

An old friend of mine was the one who got me into Halloween. I saw the movies in this order: H4, H5, H6, H1, H2. I was probably in the 7th grade. I remember liking 4 and 5 a lot and being pretty creeped out, being it was my first Halloween movie experience. I hadnt been shown the higher suspenseful 1 or 2. Then later on when it became night time, he had me watch Halloween 6. Something about that movie grabbed me and stayed with me more so than 4 and 5. As much as I enjoyed all the other Halloween movies, none of them had the same effect.

Whether it was the mask, Wilburs performance, the music, or everything. I honestly couldnt tell you why, it was just the one I remember most. Perhaps had I seen H1 or H2 it would be different since I see them as better horror movies. Anywho, for me it was Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers.

I still have yet to see the Producers Cut and Im dying to if anyone could help.

I love all these different opinions and tastes! It just goes to show you that no matter what Halloween/Myers movie you like, it just speaks volumes…the mask, character, music, suspense, etc!! I love it!