Which is worse- H20 KNB "bulbhead" or H5?

KNB easily, it’s the worst mask in the series unless you count the rotoscoped (or cgi mask as it’s known) mask in H:20. I like the H5 mask, both versions (and the Brute as well).

Damn I love the knb has such a dp the mask look. I never realized it was so hated.

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My favorite look of Myers in any of the films is in the sanitarium hallway chase scene at the first of Resurrection. The teased hair and purpose that Brad had in that scene deserves more credit. Worst is KNB h20 haha

While not my favorite look of Myers, I agree about the scene in Resurrection. I actually liked the crazy ass look he had going on with the hair spiked out like that. I always attributed it to him getting shocked by the lamp and the hair going wild. Very cool scene and doesn’t get the credit it deserves at all.

The only thing that bothered me in that scenario is once he’s up on the roof the hair is perfectly combed again. And then from that point the movie just takes a nose dive into a land of shit lol. Such a shame that’s how they opened the movie only to have it all take a huge shit from the moment after that scene is over. Once he’s up on the roof with Laurie, the movie just turns to shit for me.

It probably would of been more effective if they had Laurie have visions of Michael here and there throughout the film while she lives in the sanitarium, and we see Michael killing people in his house, while flashing back to Laurie and seeing her deteriorate mentally, leading to the end of the film when he finally arrived at the hospital and then we end the movie with him killing Laurie.

I think if they did it that way, and also removed Busta Rhymes from the film, or at least removed his karate kicking bullshit, it actually wouldn’t have been nearly as bad of a movie. But they did not even attempt to do that so the movie is just miserable in the end.

And like I said, on the topic at hand, I really like the H5 mask, always have. As for the KNB V2, I only liked it for the fact that it does in fact look similar to a DP “the mask” of the mid 90’s.

Those DP “the mask” masks of the mid 90’s were not the best at all, and could in fact be seen as the KNB mask looked in H20. And I honestly believe that’s what Steve Miner was going for, so that it came off as more real world relatable. It didn’t work, it just looks ridiculous on film, but I do get what he wanted with that look.

With that said I wish they would of just stuck with the modified H6. That was the best of that bunch in H20.