Hey guys! I am new to this site, but I have been a Halloween fan since I was little. I never got around to seeing H2 in theaters, but bought it today at midnight. My question to you guys is which version is the better one? I have read a lot of things about the different endings and how Laurie’s character is a lot different, but is there any thing that will be missing from the unrated cut ( the one I bought)? Are all the kills still the same in the unrated? From what I gather, the differences are just the 2 things I mentioned above. Without giving away any spoilers, what can you guys tell me? Thanks!
I didn’t know there were multiple endings. Could someone link me to a description of each ending. Sorry, I did not see this in theaters and just picked up 1 & 2 at the movie store today.
After looking at the blu ray looks like I rented the uncut version. That is shit that they didn’t include both copies. But again sorry for not knowing the difference, can someone please give me a link.
Aside from the Ending you are not missing anything. Directors Cut is the way to go.
Director’s Cut is all around better in my opinion but the theatrical ending is way better to me.