ok so do you like the H1 remake michael or h2 hobo myers??? im tryingto decide on my halloween costume
(I plan ahead, as u can see)
I prefer the remake version.
Remake version all the way for me…Not a big fan of the hobo look…But I do like the look of michael in the hospital scenes…Mask a bit more ripped up and coveralls alot more bloody LOL…Later guys
remake myers i just like the mask a lot more
i prefer the h1 remake myers! the whole hobo thing shouldn’t have happened imo! i liked the change of mask but taking him out of his coveralls loses the scariness!
I actually like the Hobo look more! It was a creative twist that really put some innovation into Michael’s look. Take a look at myersman78’s pictures. He has AWESOME setups for both costumes. And, in the end, it’s really all up to what you like more, not us.
H1 remake no doubt.Like the mask and movie better.
he looked better in his classic outfit. The hobo thing was stupid.
u got that dead on!
H1 or the H2 hospital sequence. I like the hobo look but not as much as the more classic look.
I must admit I’m definetly not a fan from the Rob Zombie Halloween movies. Nevertheless if had too choose a costume, i would pick the one from the remake, a most classic look.
H1 remake, hands down.
Im gonna have to step in and say that i like the H2 hobo look a bit more because its more realistic in a way. I actually watched both movies back to back and i love the 1st one because all the money went into that one, but the H2 one is better IMO, not as much money, but still a great new Myers film.
mine is remake…but i loooooove the hood…mainly though my favorite has to be the yellowed mask before its ripped…with the hood down…thats the hands down best look I SEEN…
Like most of you said i like the H1 look and the H2 hospital dream sequence look. I wasnt too big on hobo myers.

Remake version all the way for me…Not a big fan of the hobo look…But I do like the look of michael in the hospital scenes…Mask a bit more ripped up and coveralls alot more bloody LOL…Later guys
I agree with the hospital dream. Its pretty sweet.
I really love the looks of all the Myers phases in the RZ Series. But the H9 is just can’t be beat its just a killer mask. But I do love the hospital scene that is what made me want to see H2 ALOT. The hobo looks i really cool though I mean if I was serial killer and I went missing for a couple years I could see being like that. It’s so hard to pick just one when you love all the looks.