Ok does this look like a Special Edition CS H8?
Below is a couple pics of my Special Edition CS H8. Compare the two and let me know.
Ok does this look like a Special Edition CS H8?
Below is a couple pics of my Special Edition CS H8. Compare the two and let me know.
There is a difference…but i cant put my finger on it…there is something about the hair and facial structure
The paint scheme looks the same, but I can see that the hair is a bit off.
If you compare the faces on them…yours is more square like as the other is more rounded
There is a difference…but i cant put my finger on it…there is something about the hair and facial structure
Yeah I totally agree with what he said
facial structure is different
Question is…is it Special Edition?
Question is…is it Special Edition?
Im going to say no…BUT ive only seen 1 or 2 S.E.'s so i really dont know if they all look the exact same tho
is that mask on ebay right now?http://cgi.ebay.com/MYERS-MASK-HALLOWEEN-1-of-15-MADE-CS-FREE-BONUS-ITEM_W0QQitemZ280451120766QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item414c307e7e If this is the one I DO NOT trust that seller…shady pics he posts
It probably is, but yours is a lot better! The hairline on the first one looks a litte “out of place” By the way, I didn`t now thet the SE came tagged.
Definitely a slight difference.
Those pics you posted are of the mask on ebay, the one of fifteen mask. The guy had it up once for 1000 dollars and now he has dropped it to 500. What are one of the first 15 actually worth. I am not up to date on the CS Resurrection masks. I do know the first fifteen is what everyone wants.
Looks like the “1 of 1000 edition”. It’s a thicker pull… Not like the mass produced ones… But could be wrong…
Those pics you posted are of the mask on ebay, the one of fifteen mask. The guy had it up once for 1000 dollars and now he has dropped it to 500. What are one of the first 15 actually worth. I am not up to date on the CS Resurrection masks. I do know the first fifteen is what everyone wants.
The special editions can range from anywhere from $1500-$2000.
looks like the $50 version like the one I got when they were first released to the stores
I think its a Special Edition CS H8. Except for a slightly different paintjob that makes the chin seem more round in those pics, it looks exactly like Havoc28’s in every way. IMO
It could be but it is hard to tell. Any chance the guy has a C.O.A.?
Those pics you posted are of the mask on ebay, the one of fifteen mask. The guy had it up once for 1000 dollars and now he has dropped it to 500. What are one of the first 15 actually worth. I am not up to date on the CS Resurrection masks. I do know the first fifteen is what everyone wants.
The 1 of 15 were sold at CS for around $300-$400 I believe and people picked a bunch up and sold them for higher amounts. I know Sean Clark picked up 3 or 4 and kept one and sold the rest. They have human hair and are nicer pulls from the mold used for the movie. The going rate is $1,500 for a copy or more.
Eirrin does that copy have a C.O.A that your looking into. I saw it on the bay but don’t remember.
I have looked at the one on ebay several times.Not sure if its legit or not…It looks identical to yours.
looks to me like a $50 resurrection first released in stores to me.
Those pics you posted are of the mask on ebay, the one of fifteen mask. The guy had it up once for 1000 dollars and now he has dropped it to 500. What are one of the first 15 actually worth. I am not up to date on the CS Resurrection masks. I do know the first fifteen is what everyone wants.
The 1 of 15 were sold at CS for around $300-$400 I believe and people picked a bunch up and sold them for higher amounts. I know Sean Clark picked up 3 or 4 and kept one and sold the rest. They have human hair and are nicer pulls from the mold used for the movie. The going rate is $1,500 for a copy or more.
Eirrin does that copy have a C.O.A that your looking into. I saw it on the bay but don’t remember.
He did show me pics of the COA. It says special edition, but I’m not sure if this guy is legit. I was thinking about putting a bid on it.