Why the long face Myers?

After spending a long time viewing screenshots of the H1 Myers mask, there seems to me there is a missing element from practically all of the replica masks today. Imo

The real Myers mask, going from the photos, seems to have a longer, slightly more protruding nose then what is normally seen in masks today… this is most apparent of viewing profile shots.

I wonder if today’s artists have made Myers more handsome or aesthetically pleasing to the eye, by giving him a shorter less lengthy nose, and thereby giving him a shorter face as well.

The Ken H. Mask seems to have the most accurate representation of the Myers nose and face as a profile angle.

Has anyone else noticed this same issue?


I have not noticed that.
The mask looks that way because Nick castle has a long face, it distorted the William shatner features.

There are sculpts that purposefully add the strech. The DCSM is one of the top of my head (dedicated castle stretch mask) theres always a blank one on ebay