Wondering which mask you love which might isn’t proper screen-accurate like a Shat or 75k. If you don’t own it I’d still love to hear your favorite! Of the 3 I own, this 2006 AHG Maniac just does it for me. Absolutely love the evil look it gives off and it is by far my favorite sculpt of all. Sorry for laziness without coveralls but just wanted some new quick worn shots
You gotta grab one some day brother! Your 2005 Psycho is one of my favorites in the hobby. Even with all these new sculpts I love having my Psycho and Maniac next to eachother man
You don’t think the 2K or 75k are screen-accurate? The Shat/Creep is my personal favorite but the 2K, 75k, DB2 and 98proto are pretty insane looking man
I really, really appreciate that brother! It has been awesome having you in this hobby and I was thrilled to see you score that Psycho. I can’t wait for you to get the Creep you’re currently waiting on man! Your collection is going to be astounding before this year’s end!
Good topic! It’s a tough call, but I’m going either with the Madman or the Closet Monster. The Madman is the more accurate of the 2, but I like the brutal nature of the CM. Still working in finishing mine.
I’m going to have to say the Maniac. I’m typically not a fan of the “non accurate” sculpts, but I’ve always liked the Maniac, simply because it’s based on the H4 cover, which is probably the most iconic shot of the H1/H2 mask, (it’s what I picture in my mind when I think of OG Myers, and I imagine many others do as well since that shot is used on many cheap Myers mask tags) and that shot itself is supposedly from behind the scenes on H2, so technically, it IS an “accurate sculpt”, it’s just VERY stylised. The Maniac has just the right amount of accuracy and “non accuracy” for me.
That’s awesome man. I love both sculpts. Are you going to finish that Closet Monster up? Always wished it was larger but man I love the sculpt so much I might have to snag one just for display!