1975 Captain Kirk

I’m glad everyone is liking the mask. I just received it yesterday, so don’t think I was holding out on ya’ll haha.

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: that…is…AMAZING!!! thats the most accurate kirk ive ever seen!!!

First things first…amazing!..second thing. Is this the 2k version from NIk?..Larry

Yes it is the 2k version.

Keep or Konvert?..Larry :rock:

That is a sick lookin mask! :open_mouth:

:sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


Damm that thing looks good.
Amazing job Nik,that hair is the sh*t,if thats not vintage hair,stock up on it,its perfect.
And i know its done,but Nik…you reallly should have made this your flagship mask,im sure everyone here on the board would be all over this.

yeah man, Nik if this was $500 you would make more overall…

Again, AWESOME mask!!


no doubt. 20 copies at $2000 = $40,000 or 200 copies at $500 = $100,000

your damn right. if this mask was $500 then EVERYONE would buy one. the common person can save up $500 for a mask but $2000 is just unrealistic for a guy on a budget.

Simply incredible replica

Very nice Chad! A bold purchase indeed! But what of the future for this mask? Will it meet the scissors, and if so, WHO?

To be honest, I haven’t the study time to know the subtle details of Kirks. I was blown away by the Mint. (The mouth slit in particualr! JK JK)

When it comes to the fine details, I tend to take the word of those who have done the research.

So, this is really it? The most accurate Kirk replica ever?

And if it is, can other artists look to this mask as “reference”?

It is usually the same old cliche, until the next great mask comes out:

NMM78 then the
Psycho then the
DB2 then the
AHG H78 then the
Mint 75 then the
DW 09, now this…

But Nik seems to be different. Nik has been doing nothing but sculpt Kirks for 3 years now, so this really may be “IT”.

Congrats bro, i know you’ve been in search of the perfect Kirk for a long time…looks to me like you found it

No doubt have to get the Priceline Negotiator in on this one. :laughing:

I’m not planning on converting it. To me the price was worth it. I only have this myers related mask now. I’m sure most of you have over 2k worth of myers masks at least. Well, I just have one and to me it’s perfect.


Very nice Chad!

How are the cuts James! :laughing:

:laughing: My luck…yes! :open_mouth: :laughing:

Best Kirk to date ! And yes I think Nik should sell those for 500$ he would make more money and a lot of people would buy it !