1975 Captain Kirk

I totally agree, It is the best Myers/kirk EVER! And I have never ever said that before and Im not one for getting caught up in ‘‘hype’’ Massive congrats! You derserve this pal Nice one
Take it easy

Yes, that’s a great idea! Sell them all for 500 and then I can be out 1500 dollars!!! Hell Ya!

Are there any other copies of this Kirk floating around? Didn’t a few sell?

is this the $1500?

Its the $2,000.00 mask. That is why he would be out $1,500.00. If Nik sold them for $500 now.

good call, and i definitely just read that while rereading the rest of the thread again. sorry about that.

Here’s a few more pics. Chad this is number 1 copy. Nik is working on the rest of them now. As far as I know I have one of these, and someone else has one of the myers right now.

Thanks again for all the comments guys. I wasn’t trying to offend anyone with my sarcasm. I hope no one took it the wrong way :laughing:

felt like doing a quick half-conversion :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree CBK but here’s an idea,
What he can do, is get a list of buyers (which he would have PLENTY of), have the customers pay him for the order (like customers do anyhow, when they place an order), and then he could refund you (CBK) $1500.00.
In this case, Chad gets it for $500.00 and with all the orders on the list, and payments for the orders, he would have plenty of money, to move forward with the refund for CBK, and orders to go out. He would make MUCH more money, in the long run…
Its a win/win situation… Just a thought… :sunglasses:

Yea that’s fine with me, but I think there are 9 others that sold, 4 kirks and 5 myers. I would be happy for everyone to be able to own one of these. It’s just mindblowing in person like for real.

So, lets try a little math here. We have 10 orders x 2k=$20k
If he refunded $1500 per order that would be 15k.
Now, if he sold, lets say, 150 masks at $500 a pop, that equals $75k.
$75k minus the 15k paid back (to the current orders) would be a bottom net of 60k.
So, on that note, going by the way I said it, he would be up 60 thousand dollars, hmmmmm, sounds like a plan to me? :smiley:
Either way, again, That is one STUDLY kirk and its worth EVERY BIT of the 2k you paid, in my eyes, for SURE!! :sunglasses:
I’m just thinking about the long term investment for Nik, and the fans… :stuck_out_tongue:

agreed! why a limited run? its not like nik isnt going to be making Myers masks left and right for awhile to come. these kirks wouldnt be any more difficult to pull than the H78.
and if Nik sold as many of these kirks at $500 as he has sold of the H78’s, that would be a MAJOR profit.

I’m going to play Devil’s Advoacte here…don’t get me wrong, it’s a great mask, it looks exactly like an original Kirk, with that being said. How does one put such a high price on a mask? I get it if it were an auction and it went for that much, I also know that an original Kirk mask is extremely high due to supply and demand (due to the fact that the mask is over 30 years old). I understand also that this new Kirk replica will also be limited (but that’s only due to persoanl choice, not by the supply…as it can be made many times over due to the mold being available) I’m all in for a free market and I also believe in limited quantities for collectors, however this ask has been very sought after by Star Trek fans as well as Myers fans, I think the lack of Don Post or other mass produced mask makers dropping the ball on supplying the right liscensing and mask look has really opened the door on correct looking Myers mask…The prices have also gone up due to that fact. Alot of people have made alot of money due to that as well (I know time, investment,sculpting, etc… I get it , so does everyone else) but after awhile shouldn’t a mask price go down. Say I make a mask that looks EXACTLY like Myers from a cetian scene whatever. It’s a hot seller and the price goes up (supply and demand) after awile and a few years enough has gone out the demand isn’t as high…it should go down a little (Like dvds) once they’re out for awhile the price goed down, becasue a new improved comes along. I think that setting a price that high is just not right. I mean we’re all fans and we all have different financial situations, but $200-$500 is a hell of a price for a replica mask that doesn’t cost that much to make in the first place. Liscensed limited edition signed by original actors…maybe. I just hate seeing the private mask industry go down this road even further. Use to feel like we’re all fans and some of us are going to make a decent mask for all of us who want one…then the prices started going up and they keep going up. I don’t know, I’m not trying to offend anyone or anyone who can afford it. I hope people get what I’m saying. It’s not a insult more an opinion/observation.

dont get me wrong. Great mask, obviously very accurate

BUT heres what gets me.

Nik used a lifecast of william shatner, just like don post did, wich means the overall shape of the face was all lifecast. He then did minor touch ups to the face and sculpted the eyes, eyebrows, and by the looks of things used nightmare ears. So basically the only sculpting he did was eyes, eyebrows and face touchups. That being said you are paying 2 grand for sculpted eyes, eyebrows and a few tweaks. Yes, I will agree its a fine replica, but how in any way is it worth 2 thousand dollars? Dennis beckstroms mask was all free sculpt, using a kirk for reference, no clay pressing of any sort, took 2 years to finish. That mask is well worth the price tag, but a mask that was almost all clay press, by no means worth that much. Im personally taking it as an insult to people less fortunate. I dont care how accurate the mask is it has little sculpting done. Im glad everyone likes it and all and its an excellent mask, but for 2k? have fun with that…

when did mask collecting and making go from fun for the fans, to straight up greed?

Travis, my guess is Nik spent much more time sculpting on this piece than any of his other Myers masks. To integrate many disparate parts together into such a beautifully harmonious whole is a complex feat. That said, I too wish the mask cost less, so many more of us could afford it.

It might indeed be a plan to create a list of buyers and confront Nik with the list and see what he can do with it. Either way, I’m in! I’m pretty sorry I didn’t order one when I had the chance so I was just hoping for that second chance indeed.


This was just an option…
If Nik would consider it, then, mm.net should start a thread with all members, that would jump on this.
If there are enough, to sway him to move forward then, there ya go.
Again, its just another option, its his call either way. Either way though, please, no bashing on the decision.
See Ya!

Love the mask! But I say let it be… let the owners who own one cherish it as a limited piece.

There will be new ones guys, Nik does have magic in his hands. He’ll only get better…

I agree Warlock! It was a limited run and that’s how it should stay JMO. He still offers the Classic 75 Kirk, right?

Congrats to everyone who picked up a copy, it’s a very nice piece :open_mouth:

i agree that im very dissapointed at this limited run. this kirk has the potential to be the most accurate ever and only a select few can get there hands on it. i thought nikolas would be more thoughtful to the fans of this forum who are all hoping to lay hands on a near perfect replica, nikolas is our best hope of creating the perfect mask and now he might of done it, he has made them limited.

the price is expensive but i could even accpept it if he agreed to cancel the limited run. i respect his right to make these limited i do , but please nikolas, i BEG you to reconsider making these limited. for the fans dont do this. :cry:

wait to u see the conversion of this kirk :sunglasses: