1975 Kirk vs. TOTS Kirk

I’m not sure if this is already a topic on here and if so correct me but what’s the difference between the original and the TOTS one?

MUCH more detail and nuance in 75!!! Hair is also much better. It’s also smaller with stretchier latex.

World difference!!

Check out this awesome video of the 75 Kirk

Wasn’t it supposed to be like a 23 size child’s mask?

Yeah from what I understand it’s about the size of the h18

Is it even worth converting TOTS Kirk into a 78 mask or just rehauling a 78 mask?

Absolutely. I’ve seen some really nice rehauls especially from the Tramer & Elrods to.


The latex of rubies masks seems to be more similar to the original mask than the more rigid latex Tots uses.

Interesting. I used to own the H4 from Rubies and it was alot different in latex compared to TOTS. It did have that stretchiness

Exactly! I think they used to have more clay or something in their latex that had that effect

I actually use to own a 1978 rubies Michael Myers mask but my dogs screwed up the hair but it was pretty good.

Peanut Butter and Jealous!

My Tots Kirk I did. Enjoy

TOTS Kirk is not an original, and is from the Shat, which came from the Nightmare mask, which came from the Kirkus mask

The TOTS Kirk is a great sculpt, and the most accurate mass prodused one. Here is my H2 Falco

Nice! That one could easily pass for a Shat🎃

Yeah thanks man =)

I think the mask that’s closest to the 75’s thinness is Nick Mulpagano’s Thin Ringer.


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The TOTS Kirk is overall a nice sculpt but I really wish they could have done a better job w/ the production Kirk look. Looks really bad when compared to the original.