Artists asking for friends & family paypal payment

What is going on with artists asking for friends & family paypal payment? Especially when masks are so expensive. What’s your experiences?

Never pay F&F to any business. For any reason. You may pay a few dollars more in fees when sending as G&S, but it’s worth the comfort and security of knowing you’re protected in case someone ghosts you after they have your money.

If a seller won’t allow payments outside of F&F, even if you offer to pay the additional G&S fees, it’s a bad sign. I don’t care who it is or how good a reputation they have.

Yes. This is exactly what I was thinking. I’m sorry for anyone getting scammed that really believes thiz

I’m not saying that he was saying isn’t true but, I really feel like he tried to scam me.
Also, I’m trying to spread awareness here, sorry if I come across as negative. Scamming people seems to be a trend in this hobby.

Basically I look at it like this. I’ve been here for 20 years. I’ve been taken once through PayPal F&F. But then there are people witu longstanding reputations. Nikos for example. If you wanna do Goods & Services go for it. I’ve saved money going F&F. Phil Colvin. Good people. Just take it literally.

If you trust them and know them 5 years plus who cares? It was my fault admittedly but I had 4 masks sent to me for a trade. I could’ve just kept them but paid shipping and sent them back. That’s the problem with this hobby and why I just made the post that I did. There are genuine demonic forces preying on the unknowing in this hobby. We were all a family on NightowlPro. Look closely at the wolf in sheeps clothing like Spencer Storseth and Aaron Shah. NEVER do business with them and as a rule of thumb unless they’re FRIENDS IR FAMILY just do G&S for peace of mind. Phil is my friend I trust him so use it. But he’s a genuine friend. Don’t fall for these bullshit scam artists and go to OG members like Loper or anybody whose known for being genuine trustworthy people

I have reluctantly used it in the past with people who turned out to be very honest. I’ve never been scammed. Maybe because I try to investigate my sellers as thoroughly as I can. Even trying to find their profiles on Facebook. I still don’t really like it. For my last mask, the artist accepted either of them, so I did goods and services. He had no issue with it, and I felt better overall knowing I was protected. I don’t know why more people don’t want to use it. They say there’s a small fee involved for the seller. When you’re selling things for several hundred dollars, I would think a small fee wouldn’t be a big deal. It obviously wasn’t a big deal to my last mask maker. Be careful, and be suspicious. Try to learn a little about them before you give up your money.

This. This this. 1000% this.

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never do friends and family. even if i sent them to people i knew very well and have a great reputation, i still get a little bit nervous of the what ifs.

do goods and services, it saves you headaches and you have protection

I disagree. If it were a mass produced good it would be different but it requires days of work to finish one or two masks. For that effort I want to receive full payment and I dont enjoy having paypal take their cut. Pretty sure every artist i know feels the same. Ive yet to do business with anyone asking for f&f payment where they scammed me and while i dont like shape_studioz all that much anymore, he certainly isnt scamming anyone.

The fee is no different from your paycheck being taxed. No one wants to have someone taking money they earned. Most artists know what they are worth and that’s what they want to receive

The artist can always up their price by about 4% if they need to to cover the goods and services fee anyway , I don’t see the issue

no worries about payment among friends and family with simon brandolino and remzap, you simply have to take masks from very well-known artists


Wonder if pizowell saw this thread before he made this video.

Piz is awesome :beers:

He’s a good dude! Love his IG page and the videos with his brother Jeremy. Always brings a smile to my face.

Same here man. He’s a class act no doubt! :clap:

Shape Studioz is a friend of mine and he has not once scammed. If you’re not comfortable paying that’s ok everybody has to do their due diligence before a purchase but you didn’t do business with him and you’re here posting this. He has a long line of people who have purchased including other friends of mine in the community and he has also purchased stuff from me including very high ticket items through Paypal FnF. No one is forcing you to buy and the choice comes down to you. Don’t wanna pay FnF find someone who is selling his work and ask them to make a Goods and Services sale lol.

You also have to consider most people dont want to pay the price point now so raising the price already deters further customers. Some also aren’t completely devoting their lives to mask work as many have other jobs to support themselves. There’s always to sides to this argument. Plus many artists can get scammed with the buyer satisfaction guarantee. More than 80% of the time Paypal sides with the buyer so now the artist is screwed out of money and the customer gets a free mask. I’ve been a victim of both sides, which is why before any purchase or sale everyone needs to do their due diligence and scope out the people. Reference checks etc. There are groups that go as hard to verify an artist and their work etc. Most people especially buyers are just too lazy and when they get screwed over complain to the world without realizing the 20 red flags before their purchase.


Now I deleted all the parts where I mentioned your name so you can stop complaining