Depends on what you envision when you think of Myers from H1, matched with whether or not you can afford it. I’m not sure if the price on a NAG 75K Castle but I would 100000% recommend one if you can swing it. They’re absolutely beautiful and IMO the best Myers mask made at the moment or possibly ever.
Sinister Studios has decent H1 masks under $300. Also the Fear from CGP. If not then you can try and grab a Kirk from TOTS or a elrod and have it converted or overhauled into a H1. Should cost no more then $250. Other then that I don’t believe there are any other options.
unfortunately there’s nothing good below that price IMO, I was also looking for a reasonably priced H1 mask, but eventually if I have to spend 150 bucks for a Sinister Studio mask I’d rather spend over 300 for a Nag or a Creep, best first investment = money saved for the future.
Creep is a unique model, if you’re lucky enough to get a communication with Justin I suggest you order one with mohair, cause I’ve recently seen replicas with camel hair which kinda sucks.
Should stay the same price since The Creep originally had mohair, I wish it were easier to speak to Justin so that he could explain once and for all the mistery behind many 2018s with red camel hair…
I mean if you didnt want to go super high theres always converts than straight sculpts which are almost impossible to score on the lower end. I did a convert to an H2 tots mask to an H1 and it turned out pretty damn well.
I have tried messaging him twice within a stretched out time frame. Once on Instagram via direct message with no luck, then I realized the Nightowl email that says contact Justin would be best. Tried that and got nothing.
Surprised there’s no mention of the Handiboy NHK. That runs to $285, and the Bad Boy version is $175, and I love the look of it. I like the Sinister Studios Obsession too (they’re selling an in-stock one on ebay right now for around $150).