Better sequel to the original Halloween?

Which sequel was better H2 or H40

  • H2
  • H40
0 voters

I’m asking because H40 acts like H2 didn’t happen so technically it is a sequel to the original as well. I’m pretty sure I know which one will win, but…
I watched the original in 4k :rock: (never watch it enough) then H2 and they work well together. I always thought they did. Then I watched H40 after and it is very strong on its own as a sequel actually maybe better IMO. I watched all 3 in 1 day cold outside and off so why not? I highly recommend doing the same:)
Hopefully this won’t matter and they write in the next Halloween that everything from H2 happened, the main storyline will be… The Original, H2, H40 then H(whatever)
Let me know what you think?
Hope this will be a FUN poll:)

Personally I prefer H40 for the simple fact that they got rid of the whole Laurie being Michael’s sister thing, which I never liked. H2 is amazing though and I think it’s a stronger sequel, but the only reason I personally prefer H40 is again because of the removal of the sister sub-plot.

H2 is the stronger sequel, H40 is only good for removing the sibling part

I love the atmosphere of H2, but I never thought Halloween should have a sequel.

H2 taking place in a hospital was very creepy. Plus, Warlock made Michael appear the scariest out of all the actors. Imo, h2 is just as good as the original. The opening scene to h2 where warlock sneakes into the elrod house is pure horror gold.

This is my reason also. I love H81 but the brother sister thing never sit well with me. I liked the mystery, That’s why I like H40 more. Even JC said he did not like the idea of them being siblings.

I prefer H2 over H18 bc it retains the same atmosphere of the original and it of course still had the amazing Donald Pleasence. H40’s atmosphere and pacing just isn’t the same. It feels a bit more like a scream type atmosphere mixed with an adult drama. It’s not bad but it just doesn’t feel scary like the original 2. The sister sub plot never really bothered me. And the mask… that original mask is just lighting in a bottle. The new one is really damn good but nothing will ever match that first mask.

I’ll make the unpopular statement that Dick Warlock really is my least favorite Myers. I don’t like the robotic portrayal, he looks too small, and I really don’t care for the way the mask looks in that film. But H2 is a decent movie. But overall I really like H40 quite a bit.

I prefer H2 any day over H40. H1/H2 flow together pretty well especially since they take place on the same night.

Great Conversation going here! Like reading everyone’s opinions on this one. Thanks everyone

I like part 2, used to love it. I would say it still beats the new one for having Donald Pleasence, who is almost equally as important as The Shape. The older I get, the more I realize he was an integral part of what made those movies so great. There’s something about his presence that makes the films he’s in scarier.

Halloween 2 feels more like a sequel, H:40 feels more re-bootish despite having two recurring characters.
Halloween 2 having the same cinematographer, several actors comng back, Carpenter directing several scenes, and Carpenter and Howarth doing the music (taking over from Carpenter and Wyman) adds to that easy flow.

H2 by a mile. I’m going to be honest…H40 in some ways feels like a remake of H20 (not one of my favorites by the way). I like that H40 took away the brother sister thing, which I never liked, but H2 just has so much more atmosphere, something that is VERY important to have in a Halloween film. It’s way more eerie in my opinion. H2 also feels like a proper sequel by comparison because of many reasons such as same crew, same mask, released at pretty much the same time, same actors return, begins where the first ended, same night, etc. H40 is not a bad movie by any means, but H2 gets my pick, any day of the week.

Don’t get me wrong. H2018 is a very strong sequel, probably my second favorite sequel, but only because the first H2 is such a natural continuation to the first movie.

Seems the majority here like h2 more, but I personally like h18 more. Now dont get me wrong, Halloween 2 is legendary and is incredibly iconic but I felt like h2 had more issues than h18. Prepare for a wall of text lmao

Let’s see what’s going for, and against h2 (at least in my opinion)

Starting off with the high points:

Picks up right after h1
The mask
Dick Warlock
The hospital setting
Similar atmosphere to h1
The first act
Everything from the laurie chase on is great
I enjoy a lot of the kills
Similar feel to h1
The score
Dr. Loomis

I could list a few more but that’s the general idea.

Now for the cons:

Second act drags on quite a bit
Brother sister angle
Felt like it was mimicking h1 a bit too much (at least for me)
Dick Warlock sometimes walks too slow
Laurie doesnt really do anything the whole time

Now moving onto the good things about h18 (again this all opinionated)

No brother sister angle
Laurie strode is great
I liked Allyson
Death scenes were great
The score was AMAZING
JJC was the perfect Myers to me
I liked the atmosphere quite a bit, felt nice
and I didnt think it was mimicking
Unpopular opinion but I thought dr sartain worked, could it have been better? Yes. But it worked fine as is imo
The shape was actually scary again
The mask was gorgeous
Well acted and felt organic
The podcasters
It really felt like fall, which I love
Actually gave me chills, which is something none of the other movies did to me.

Now onto the cons:

I didnt like Allyson’s dad ray
Karen was hit or miss
Julian brought too much comedy to an otherwise great death scene
Shows Michael’s face a tad too much

As you can see, very little cons for me. And I feel that all julian weren’t all that big of a deal. I might have forgot a few points but thats my gigantic wall of text on my opinion about which is better. H2 is a fantastic movie but I just feel h18 was a better movie overall.

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Halloween II…by at least 40 pumpkin patches. :wink:

H2 shades it - I like them both, but H2 recreates that feeling of dread I also get watching H1; H1 and H2 are both very creepy films because of the way Michael moves/lurks/stalks. H18 just doesn’t do that for me, and in that sense it kind of missed the point of Michael Myers a little bit.

Like everyone’s thoughts so far, I like the way you put the pros and cons of each simply.
They are both great movies for sure.

I agree with the above.

And also the fact that H2 happened the same night as H1 just later in the evening. And Donald Pleasence was in it. He’s a very important character that can not be replaced.

So obviously I voted H2. :myers:

Although I never liked Warlock and the way the mask looks on him I prefer H2 simply cause it’s the natural sequel to the original, you can still breath the atmosphere of the late 70s/early 80s much more in line with H1, needless to say it picks up exactly where H1 ends, H1 and H2 basically feel like a unique movie to me, H40 is a modern film and takes place way too late from the original and for this reason it’s a little bit forced IMO, feels too far away from the old school horror, it could’ve been a good H4 substitute, but I wouldn’t have left out H2 81 from the timeline, good movie though, surely much better than 4,5,6 and I also appreciated that they did away with the sibling thing