Better sequel to the original Halloween?

H2 it still had the same atmosphere of the original, and it’s a damn great squeal.

I like both films. Actually love both films. Halloween 2 was the first Halloween movie I ever saw when I was a young boy back in the mid 80s staying up late watching the televised version and being tramatized for life by it. In that regard, I hold it high.

However, I voted for H40, because it’s paced better, at least in my opinion, than H2. H2 had some dead spots with a lot of walking in the hallways with nothing happening. H40 moves right along, with little dead space.

This is a super minor nit pick though, and was the only factor that separates the films enough for me to vote for one over the other. Otherwise I love both of these films equally. It was hard to choose.

H2 of course will feel more connected to the original since it was filmed within a few years of the original. But for H40 being filmed 40 years after the original, it did great at feeling like it came from the same world as the first film.

Damn double post, my bad

I agree with you lawson great reply

I like H40 better because Laurie isn’t his sister and actually fights back against him instead of just waiting for him to come to her in the hospital. That long scene where the music is playing and he’s going from house to house killing people is my absolute favorite scene in the franchise and I could have watched hours of that and been entertained.

That being said the first time I saw H2 was when I was a wee lad and naturally I enjoyed the hot tub scene a lot :stuck_out_tongue: and I’ll still watch it right after the original every year so it is pretty close. I do enjoy how it feels more like the 80s/70s and there isn’t politically correct jokes in there like the new one. Have to say that trend is getting very old for me.

This is actually closer then I expected :rock:
I’m glad most think they are as close as I do.
Both great movies🎃

My favs are H1 H40 & H4. I never really cared for H2. It seemed slow paced and not much happening with Laurie until the end. H40 is faster paced and it left out the sibling thing which I never cared for. I watch H4 for the atmosphere …man you cant beat the opening with that mid west Halloween setting! And I like that MM has a unique look to him.

Spot on !

I don’t understand when people say H2 was slow paced and not much happening. The original was also slow paced which is one of the reason it was so good.

But the difference is there is like a 30 or so minute break in the middle of h2 where nothing at all happens, in h1 we follow laurie and her friends but Michael is getting closer and closer closing in on his prey.

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I don’t agree with that. He is constantly stalking someone the entire movie. Both movies are a slow burn which is the precise reason they are actually scary and suspenseful. The new movie isn’t scary or suspenseful at all. That scene where he’s going house to house killing people is beautifully shot but there isn’t an ounce of suspense.

Did anyone mention the boobs in H2’s hot tub scene? :stuck_out_tongue:

BWAHAHAHA!!! WIN!!! :tada::tada:

Exactly. H1 never had any dull moments , IMO. It goes from Michael killing his sister, to escaping the hospital, to stalking high school teen to the actual killings, then to the most perfect ending. When my son was 6, I let him watch Halloween 1978 ( with supervision , of course- Don’t judge me :laughing: ). And he was so into the entire movie. After that everything that came out of his mouth was “Michael this, Michael that”. Everything was Michael ! Kids that age get bored with anything that aren’t cartoons. For a kid that age not to get bored with watching H1, says it all.


H-2 1981 may not be the most popular, or considered the “Best” sequel in the series according to most Critics and fans of the franchise, but for me it was as good as a sequel can get! As I’ve stated many times before, I liked Dick Warlocks portrayal of The Shape and always really dug the way the Mask looked on him. I also really liked the score/themes, Donald Pleasence’ performance, the Kills, the Hospital Scenes, the fact that it took place on the same night as H-1 1978, ect. Don’t get me wrong… H-2018 was a very good film, but to me H-2 1981 was GREAT. …ANDY

Thank you! I’m not the only one at least :laughing:

Boob hot tub scene is why H2 is winning. Boobs win everytime. I can live with that reasoning​:joy::+1:t2::tumbler_glass::jack_o_lantern:

I’ll always love the haunting, late night quiet of H2 but the thing that I like better about H40 is that they retconned the Sibling Storyline out of the narrative! :myers: :pumpkin:

H2 - three sexy nurses
H40 - one sexy pretend nurse

H2 is a clear winner :wink: