OK…You guy’s convinced me!! I know this might sound strange but the H4 is my favorite mask. Even more so than the original! SO I took your advice and preordered not 1 but 2 of the H4 masks!!
Imo… if you’re an H1 purist, don’t waste your money on a shitty TOTS mask. Save up your money and get a nice Indie H1 mask done up nicely by a good artist. Don’t settle for a cheap economy mask. If you’re going to do it… do it right.
The irony being the original H1 mask was $1.97 economy mask that was cheaply overhauled lol. So purist? How pure are we talking here? Lol I mean if we are going for pure, then a cheap mass produced mask is closer to the original than a high end piece of artwork. I love how everyone seems to ignore the fact that the original mask only looked the way it did because of Dean Cundeys lighting. If not for his lighting, it’s a cheap spray painted mask lol.
With that said, the H4 mask is the best pick of this bunch. It looks mass produced in the film, he visually steals it from the store, and it remains looking mass produced through the whole film. And that’s why I love it. It actually looks like a mask you would walk into a store and find. It’s basic, to the point, no fancy shading or any of that, yet still has the Myers look everyone is familiar with. The new TOTS H4 is going to be the closest most accurate “mass produced” Myers mask they have, in my opinion.
You hit the nail right on the head and I thought the same thing after reading the reply before yours! The original was in fact a mass produced mask altered for the movie. And if I’m not wrong so was the H4 or recast from a mass produced. Imo the mass produced mask by TOTS is more in line with the original. That’s why I bought two!!
I pre ordered the H1. I will say for 60.00 Tots masks are pretty good. I have a fine collection of indie mask and love them. But their very expensive. I don’t know why people are complaining about their masks. I know back in the late 90’s if this this mask hit air waves all of us Myers fans would of crapped our selves seeing this and would of bought without hesitation.
Well said brother! I looked into an H4 indie and he wanted $250.00 which is inexpensive for an indie. But the TOTS H4 & H1 look fantastic for the price. AND MASS PRODUCED LIKE THE ORIGINAL!! LOL
I’d go w/ the H1. They did a great job replicating the H4. It looks just like the mask in the film, which happens to be its biggest flaw - it looks just like the mask in the film. Wonder if they’ll be selling shoulder pads to go w/ it in the future
Imo I think the h4 mask has a very unique look to it. It’s not to be a look-a-like mask from H1 & H2 but a whole different one. Thats what makes it unique. as for shoulder pads I have no problem in that dept.!
Read what you wrote, it’s dumb. My favorite mask is a H4 so should I get a h1 or H4… I’m not being rude. I have perfectly good reason tto be mad. This thread is a useless waste of everyone’s time
yet here you are still posting… mad over someones post they made. i would love to have your life that the only thing i am worried about is being made because someone posted a stupid thread
I’m mad because your reply to me was passive aggressive but you thought you came out as being civilized trying to look like the better man. Go sit on your couch and wait for your shitty tots masks.