Cornstarch frequency poll and question

How often do you dust your mask with talc or cornstarch?

  • I never use talc or cornstarch
  • I use it only if I sweat or wear for long time
  • I cornstarch after every use no matter what
0 voters

Only participate in poll if you wear your mask at least once. If you don’t dust your mask, what mask and is it still in good shape? Thanks very much!

and once and for all, which of them is really recommended to be used on a mask that you’re gonna wear? I still read mixed opinions.

As have I. Most say cornstarch but one guy on here and Nikos

I just avoid wearing my Indy masks and wear my tots only lol!

Cornstarch won’t hurt your lungs. Baby Powder will. I clean out the inside of the mask with warm soapy water followed by a light dusting of cornstarch after every time I wear one. And because of this, my masks will last the rest of my life.

This is the exact right answer. Baby Powder or Talcum Powder is a no-no if you plan on actually wearing the mask. For display purposes, baby powder is fine. But realistically, unless you are wearing the mask you don’t need to powder it at all so I would stick with corn starch for any masks you plan on wearing.

Lightly dampen a cloth with some warm water and mild soap, clean the interior of the mask (while trying to avoid the original signature if possible) and once dried hit the mask with a very small amount of cornstarch. Effectively, like Slasher said, this will make latex last your entire lifetime. Now for vinyl masks, you don’t need anything as they don’t naturally deteriorate like latex does.

Hmmm… you make a good point and may have changed my whole direction with this

I don’t think I could spend upwards of $500 on a mask and never wear it. Even if it is just for a photoshoot, it feels great to wear a quality mask and you truly feel like Myers :smiling_imp:

Certain older masks I may use just for display but if you’re spending the money you might as well get your money’s worth and enjoy it. To each his own though!

That’s how I look at it too. Would be like having a Corvette in the garage & not drive it :laughing:

I may wear my masks more than anyone here, no powder or anything even after hours of wearing. Just wipe it drip dry with cotton cloth or similar, and your mask will be fine as long as for the remaining time you store your mask out or direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. Hope this helps

I’m that one guy;) I wouldn’t use cornstarch and especially not baby powder. 100% pure talc. I’m apparently with Nikos.

Haha! But in the end, you are the owner, and do what you can to ENJOY the mask!

I like to display my Indy masks in cases and never wear them. I just love looking at them, and because of my extreme OCD and paranoia, that’s why I don’t wear em haha!

Only the TOTs 78 mask is what I wear because I didn’t pay a huge amount for it, and I know it’s mass produced. Don’t want to go through that process for cornstarch and powder, etc… after wearing, just don’t feel comfortable doing it haha!

Up to you, remember, what best suits you to ENJOY the mask!

Nikos recommended against using cornstarch on his masks and suggested you talc?


Yeah I messaged him and asked him if I should clean it out with mild soapy water and then use cornstarch, and he said all that isn’t necessary and just to use talc or baby powder.

Johnson and Johnson has shelled out hundreds of millions to settle lawsuits linking talcum powder to many different developed forms of cancer. The stuff is not good to breath in, in all honesty. If you’re wearing it frequently you should use cornstarch for your own safety :slight_smile:.

To answer the poll though, I use cornstarch on my masks since I wear them occasionally to take a photo etc.

In all seriousness… what makes you think Nik knows anything about health related issues? The guy smokes two packs a day and is overweight. Would you really take his advice on whats healthy and whats not? It’s been scientifically proven that baby powder is harmful to your lungs when inhaled. Nik’s a scupltor, not a physician.

Lol… I hear ya but … damn, that was harsh on our boy Nik… maybe he likes being overweight and smoking like a chimney, isn’t that the American dream? Lol… anyway, I just figured he’s the guy who actually makes the damn thing so who better than him to ask about how to take care of his creation. I for one run 7 miles a day and drink only water and eat only leaves off of trees bc of health… BWAHAHA… I kid, I actually enjoy the pleasures of life… especially talc powder… sniff that shit on the regular!! Lol

Interestingly enough, I’ve had my first mask (ToTs H2 Deluxe) for 2 years now and I’ve never wiped the inside of the mask but I did keep it out of sunlight and left fans on to have ok temperatures for it, it’s showing no signs of rotting at all still…