The title says it all. He makes nice masks, but they were in the $350-$400 range, now they have sky rocketed. People now on eBay selling their Dela Torre makes for way over 1K Because of the wait time. Two listings for a revolver mask and the dark half way over 1K on eBay. Ridiculous. Myers is my favorite, but price gouging with his masks are horrible! You can get a screen accurate hock from Crash for $150 without the gouging people do with Myers
The 2 masks over 1k on eBay are because people will pay it. I sold a very mediocrely painted white satin for $750 on there about s week ago. The aged and the dark half on eBay are easily 2 of the best pulls that Scott (DT) has ever done as well plus they have been rehaired by QOTS so it’s not really gouging if the market is there. If people will pay it why sell for less?
With all the good things heard about these masks, I knew prices where high I went with ASwift creations on Etsy for my RZ masks… something actually pulled me to then more than dela torre masks, I ordered 3 for like 500 something with the shipping and I’m okay paying that knowing I get 3 decent masks, but paying anything over 300 for a single mask, I don’t think I can bring myself to it. Maybe 1 good H1 version but if going after RZ copies knowing you may want to get the whole group… no way.
I’ve got a wrath 2 from aswift and also the only h40 he done. Very happy with his work considering the price of his masks is almost the same as my deposit for other makers lol
Glad to hear I ordered the Stepson, wrath 2 and the mute 2. I should just went and got the giant as well but I’ll leave that to someone to get me as a gift since I never know what to say I want around holidays.
I was the same way I preferred the wrath 2. The eye cuts on the 3 looked off and too large for me in the pics he posted maybe if he had other pics I would have went with the 3. He did say he is working on even newer ones as well in the next few months if I wanted to wait but I just went ahead and ordered anyways.
That’s strange. I can only see 1 dark half mask listed on eBay at 800usd. The other 2 revolvers (one half and one normal) and a buried up there are mine which are all below 400 GBP. If your seeing over 1000 for them eBay must be making a killing on the gsp and exchange rate.
Mostly it’s because of the time it takes for prep before mask production even begins. On Delatorre masks though they are just recasts of the animatronic head so nothing special. I think the price increases are insane but I’ve seen people on instagram say they already ordered from him still since he reopened orders. I don’t understand why someone would spend $700 on one of his masks when he’s been throwing garbage quality out.
You should have seen mine… The Gray Satin. The ones he’s sent out lately have zero detail in the actual mask and I’ve seen some with some black basecoat paint still showing through where no additional paint was added. Its bad man.