Hey guys! So lately I’ve been pretty obsessed with tracking down what kind, as well as what color of coveralls were used in the first H1. As we know, the original film had a blue tint to all shots, distorting the true color of the coveralls. I’ve scoured the forum, as well the web, in search of rare behind the scenes full color shots. Luckily I found this photo, which seems to be the best unaltered color photo of the coveralls.
Now as you can see, the saturation and exposure of the photo is either off naturally, or it has been slightly tampered with. I can assume this because of the unnecessary green tints in the room. Laurie’s shirt, the blinds, Michaels bright green coveralls… So after correcting the exposure and saturation back to its normal state, we can come up with this:
Now that the strong green tones are gone, you are left with a normal picture. After editing these photos, I am 100% convinced that the color of the coveralls was a very dark green. Maybe even olive wood. Forgive me if this conclusion as already been reached before, as it is news to me. What do you guys think? What color do you see? Thanks for reading! Have a great day.
This has been debated numerous times before and has never ending speculation. It all comes down to charcoal grey vs. olivewood or spruce green. I happen to own a pair of dark green big macs
That’s no conclusion, the white balance could be all over the place, making blue look green. In daylight shots it looks blue/charcoal, school scene looks olive, it’s just a guess as no one remember exactly what they were. I do lean towards the olive look as I have photographed myself wearing olive Big Macs and shifted the white balance to make them look blue… But it’s all guess work.
That’s not the natural color, the saturation is cranked way up in that pic. Even in your edited version the colors are still way off, I mean look at the mask, its purple.
The fact of the matter is we’ll never know the actual color, ever, and that’s just all there is to it.
Ever is a strong word. Maybe the actual pair will surface one day and put this mess to an end. None of us know that they’ll never pop up or that we’ll never figure out the color . Just having a little fun, can anyone really blame me for attempting to answer the question of what color they were?
Tommy Lee Wallace told me in person it was a…washed out greenish grey, Then Ryan interjected…Specifically asking about olivewood or olive drab & he said NO… Not olive in anyway… So I guess with a happy medium of spruce green weathered pretty heavily would be the most accurate look to produce grey, blue, and that tint of grimey green we see on camera throughout indoor and outdoor white balances of the camera.
Thanks for the info!! Great post and should help me on the search When did you meet TLW? Did you happen to ask about the whereabouts of the costume? Thanks.
Thanks for clearing this up, buuuut I think I’m still gunna go with some Dickies dark blue/navy coveralls. That’s the image I think about when I picture Michael and it’s how most people picture him and I think it looks just as good as the dark green, blue being even better in my personal opinion.
The color was definitely olivewood or some variant, but if blue is what you see in your head as Myers then I say all the more power to ya, go for it! Not everyone strives for total accuracy, so that’s fine. Figuring it out is A. just the people that do want to go that extra mile and B. people who want the history and facts laid out once and for all. Excited to see your costume!
I own almost every color suggested. Olivewood in 2 styles, navy, spruce, & charcoal. Tommy describes the color correctly from what he saw in person. The camera and lighting change the true color drastically throughout the film.
As of late I’ve been doing heavy research with several buds determining color & specifications for what they actually may be… NOT DISCUSSING BRAND. We will never know until someone comes forward with Nathan’s research LOL I’m going with Big Macs for now as thre closest in specs to the original hero pair, minus the pocket flap. The other specs that need to known are back seem not being there, cuffs having snap buttons not Big Mac logo buttons, & type of elastic on the mid hip.
As for the color…the description of washed down green from Tommy is present in each olicewood pair as well in different lighting…as well as spruce green but Olivewood captures that dirtier look better.
1st Olivewood in herringbone material which can be faded off and weathered.
2nd Olivewood ( most accurate pair I’ve ever seen as of yet, all specs are exact minus pocket which is getting modded as well)
I’ve always thought growing up that they were dark blue. I’ve known for a few years that are indeed the olivewood big Macs, however, navy blue is what I think of when picturing Myers so that’s what I tend to like best. I hate that they were actually green. RUINS MY CHILDHOOD!
Wow! Until I recently began start “studying” Michael Myers with all of your pics and research, I would have sworn that his coverall’s was blue. Actually blows my mind now hahaha