Halloween 2018: Jamie Lee Curtis Returns

Frankly, what I’m hoping they do with this movie is take it back to the style of the original, with suspense, not gore. Also, realistic, likeable characters that you actually care about. Also, I hope they bring back the class and style of the original, along with the atmosphere, with the lighting and music. The original proved less is more, and it’s simplicity works wonderfully well. In fact, I just watched the original this past weekend for the first time since last Halloween, and I just noticed something else I never have before, how realistic and believeable it all feels. It legitimately feels like it could actually happen in your own neighborhood, it felt like Halloween and you felt the threat of Michael being out there somewhere, yet no one really knows about it, which makes it even creepier, just like in real life if an armed and dangerous criminal is on the loose in your area, you feel the threat of that, that’s what I get from the original Halloween, and I love that. With John Carpenter on board, I can see it being possible.

So pumped. For sure didn’t expect that,however I hope it does retcon H20 and Resurrection as much as I do like parts of H20,picking up from H2 is best.

Yeah killing her would be sweet.

So…the mask? Any insights on if the mask in this pic is the one they are using and who had the honor of making the mask for this new movie?

I can’t be the only one confused, right? This is supposed to pick up directly after H2, did Jamie age 40 years overnight? lol

:laughing: that is an excellent point, I literally just now noticed that, since you mentioned it haha

Maybe they will cgi her face younger?? Hahaha

They never said directly after did they? I think they Mean all movies after H2 didnt happen so its set after H2. So probably about 30 years after!

I swear I read that it was set directly after the event of H2, but I could very well be making that up lol. I’ll search for what I read!

I think an interesting take would be that it continues after part 6 and Laurie never died in the car accident and did go into hiding like an H20.

Or it’s after resurrection an Laurie had a twin sister we didn’t know about or was cloned

It’s gonna take place 40 years after Halloween 2. H20, Resurrection and all those films are gonna be Non-canon to this one.

I’ve heard a theory that it could take place after resurrection, with Laurie somehow surviving the beginning of that movie.

No idea, but since that photo has Jamie Lee in Laurie’s Halloween 1 trademark outfit it is quite safe to say that this mask isn’t an officially definite mask they are using in the film. I’m really hoping it will turn out that the mask indeed is the one they will use or another one from the same mold looking more aged and/or just weathered because this mask does in my opinion look terrific.

If it takes place directly after Halloween 2 then they should probably CGI her bosom as well to make it authentic.

Hoping for the best. I hope they don’t go all H:20 with this and have it be some survivor drama though, I think Carpenter won’t let that happen if he’s a more hands on producer than he has been in the past.

Yep, me too. I think she is a goner this time.
The movie will be put to sleep once and for all.

My gut tells me that she will sacrafice herself for a greater good…maybe for Michaels death as well.

She was killed once an for all in resurrection

Well looking at this pic, she still has a great body, always did. I like her bosoms!!!