Halloween 2018: Jamie Lee Curtis Returns

Oh I agree! I just want them to make sure it all looks authentic shall they CGI the face. Naturally there would have to be a scene where JLC takes her top off in order for it to be necessary. Actually, I don’t think she has ever looked better in any Halloween film than she did the way she appeared in ‘Ressurection’.

Well If This is the Case, I’m The Coroner, And I AM PICKING UP THAT BODY and Taking it with ME!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :rock: :rock: :drinkers: :drinkers:

If this is the case. I picture them starting the movie with the ending of H2 and then pan to a screen saying “40 years later”

This would be the best way to not confuse people watching. Especially the non-fanatics who’d question discarding the rest of the sequels/stories

I think that would work :wink:

Yeah, that should be how they do it.

I hope that happens :smiley: :myers:

The mask does look perfect. However, I’m surprised nobody has mentioned that tiny knife that Michael is holding. Where the hell is the 17 inch knife that we deserve?! :myers:

Yeah, I actually noticed that too, not sure what that’s all about, probably just something they used for a quick photoshoot.

It’s slowly dawning on me what this means, yet ANOTHER timeline, ret-conning a ret-con. Old Mikey. Sigh… gritting my teeth and trying to be optimistic here. :myers

I just don’t know how we could possibly top the end of H20 as a capstone to Laurie/Michael. Heck, that was the second go after the end of H2.

II wrapped things up so well though. It’s hard to think of a way to bring him back and capture the style of the first film again in a third one.

It really feels like the end.

In 4 they just say he’s burned up and in a hospital and It always just felt like a Jason ripoff to me.

It would be cool to see that he was buried somewhere and the grave is torn up the next day or something. Not to show it, but to imply he came back to life somehow. Sort of like how they never show him steal the gravestone in 1.

If he died and just came back to life for some reason he’d be the same age he was when he died right?

I’ve tried to think of a million ways to continue from II and it’s a real puzzle.

Anyway, I hope it’s good haha.

Hummm. I wanna throw this in…what about, if it’s a direct sequel to John Carpenter’s Halloween (1978) and not Halloween II (1981). :wink: They basically skip everything in the middle and make it a 40 years later sequel with Jamie Lee.

This would be easier in the sense that he survived the gunshots from Loomis, but they’d need to explain what happened to Loomis after that

If it continues from H2 they can easily write in that Loomis died in the fire but Michael survived

Carpenter likes keeping everything vague. The more vague, the more scary. I think it’s a 1978 sequel, a what if sequel. A one and done sequel.

Also, why did they want Carpenter back so bad? Maybe his name above the credits. John Carpenter’'s Halloween II. They can do that with Carpenter as a Producer. And John obviously likes the idea given to him. It’s fresh, new and a neat idea in a way to package the movie.

“Universal Pictures also set Oct. 19, 2018, as the release date for what it’s calling the final film in the “Halloween” series.”

Isn’t that what they originally said about H20? If it makes money, it won’t be the end.

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It’s definitely a good marketing strategy if it’s a lie. Gets more people wanting to see it

What I want to know is, if it already has a release date. Does that mean it’s already filmed and completed or they’re hoping to finish by then?

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TRUE. That’s an option, would be cool. Then we’re not locked into Samhain, the Brother/Sister relationship. It would keep Michael more believable as some freak accident, like a real serial killer.

Oh sure it doesn’t take very long to shoot this kind of movie. The next few months will be more casting and pre-production, on top of the year or so they’ve been writing. Probably shoot it somewhere there is fair weather in the late winter/early spring (Like Pasadena :smiley: ) Probably no longer than a month or so to shoot. Then 5-6 months to edit and market it.

I really like this idea! Leaves the door open to a lot of good writing paths!