Halloween 2018 opinions

I saw the new film tonight and I’m not sure how I feel about it. I loved it at times and left the theatre with a very good impression but something’s are bothering me the more I think about it. What did you guys think??

I think us as obessesive freakish Myer’s fans build up any movie in the franchise and put it up on this high unsurpassable pedistool that ultimately we’re never completely 100% satisfied with. I know that isn’t said for each and everyone of us. We want something to bring us the feeling H78/H2 brought us but ultimately no remake will ever even come close to reaching that. I think we just have to accept it for what it is and honestly just be satisfied enough that this is as close to H78/H2 as we’re gonna get for this day and age.

he only negatives I had were the overuse of humor in parts of the film, I feel like some kills were rushed with no build up or suspense and I didn’t like the “modern” feel the film had at times.i found many of the teenage characters really annoying. But I do feel it was one of the best of the franchise overrall. It was good but not exactly what I was hoping for. I feel like the feel was trying too hard to appeal to the millennial generation in very generic, modern horror ways at times. I feel like it was a little over complicated and was going for a larger than life approach, it could’ve benefited from a more streamlined approach. As Carpenter said "it had to be simple to work.

The couple of minutes when Allyson escapes the police car and is beating on the doors of houses and the music sounds really awesome is when I really felt like I was watching a Halloween movie

Well haven’t seen it yet but if anyone’s let down you can blame carpenter. Before movie came out everyone was excited that he was involved and saying how he would make sure it’s done right. Well the movies out, he was involved and this is what we got.

I enjoyed it, but definitely have my gripes. I won’t say much besides that one subplot that everyone hates anyway is, yes, stupid and forgettable and serves a purpose that could’ve been done through other means. Also, the movie felt like it had trouble getting its footing after the opening credits and until Michael gets coveralls. After that, though, it gets its footing and holds on tight. The Shape in general feels like a genuine continuation of the Shape in 1978. Overall, 4/5. Laurie Strode was my favorite part, personally.

I think a lot of people probably got their hopes up to unrealistic and unmanageable expectations.

This isn’t, “The Greatest Movie Ever Made!!!”,…it’s just a Very Good Halloween Movie.

There are scenes and moments that have stuck with me that I’m still thinking about and creeped out about today, and that’s really all I can expect from a horror movie.

One particular scene/stalk for some reason bothered me (creeped me out) more than any of the others, and I like a lot of things about how that particular scene was filmed and framed.

I do feel like the trailers showed too much though. Like there weren’t many surprises at all because I knew what was coming because I’d already seen it in the trailers.

I would have to agree with this 100%. But all in all, I loved it.

This, I am guilty of hyping this movie in my head more than I needed it to. like I said in the spoiler thread, I was satisfied, but not fulfilled. That was my fault and not the movie’s. I was just expecting something more. And a couple of things I didnt like. But if you just want to see Michael be Michael and Lourie be a badass, this movie wont disappoint.

Also, if you are going to compare this to the first, leave that at the door. I feel like the ones who didnt like it were holding on to 78 a little to closely.

Not 100% satisfied let’s say 80-90% but it’s so great to see this character again, like an old friend
Great score, great lightning some great scenes.
I found the movie a bit too short.
I think it’s too hard to recreate the atmosphere of the first movie.
Why were we so scared in H78? Because we never clearly see where or who he is and why, no jump scare needed.

I thought it was awful for all the reasons listed in the spoiler thread.

It worked so great in 78’ because nothing of its kind had been seen. Fast forward 40 years and it’s been done over hundreds of times, more gory etc. We already know who he is and have seen too much to make it like 78’. The cats already outta the bag and had multiple litters

Couldn’t have said it better brother. That’s why I didn’t say anything last night after seeing it twice back to back. No super fan will leave the theater feeling like it was 1978 again. I slept on it. After a night of rest, and having morning coffee listening to the soundtrack, I really like the movie a lot. Killed RZ movies which isn’t saying much imo, however this movie had such a balancing act how do you modernize the shape and keep key elements of the original. I believe they did it. Most of us go to see any other movie without expectation. And expectation kills a movie and even worse for fans like us not to mention the audience you have to listen to. For those of us feeling a bit confused by all this I think in time we will all see this as an excellent sequel. I know I do.

I love this movie, Michael was a 10 for me for sure. My only problem with the movie was that I didnt get to see it earlier [emoji38] it was really great and I finally feel completely satisfied with a movie. I was very surprised at how the movie managed to take such an iconic character and get my heart beating like that, I’ve seen these movies so many times and I’ve only really ever been scared by the first. Until now. Michael was haunting, rob zombies brutal Michael and John carpenter’s ghostly boogeyman of the night mixed together in the best way possible. And oh my God the 3rd act left me with hard nipples, so dope!

I went in expecting it to be the best since the original and still was blown away, not better than the original but this movie after letting the movie sit overnight in my head holds its ground behind the first movie for me. I can understand how some people have their gripes because of the expectations behind this movie and how hyped up this was. Everyone’s entitled to one good scare, and my God this movie delivers!

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Agree 100%. I came in thinking this will be on par with H1 and H2. Thought its not, but its a good/ fun Halloween movie. I’m a super fan of H1 and H2, but totally dislike H4, H5, H6, H20, Resurrection and the silly RZ movies. Too me , this movie is the 3rd best Myers movie in the franchise, and is something I would watch every Halloween season, along with H1 and H2.

I saw it last night and like many others have said I really liked how Michael looked and acted. I feel they really nailed his character from 78 and the mask looked awesome so that was great. I enjoyed the references to H1 and H2…loved him lurking around the neighborhood into peoples houses…that was well done and felt very “Michael Myers” to me. Some of the kills were pretty creative too…especially the hammer kill and Jack O’ Lantern head. As I was watching it I had to remind myself to watch it with an open mind and not try and compare it to the original so much because it is 40 years later after all and nothing will ever be as good as the first. I really didn’t like the “new Loomis” character and thought that was a bit strange and sort of random. Some of the humor was good but at other times it felt like they were just trying too hard with it. I wasn’t the biggest fan of Laurie’s family either but Jamie Lee Curtis was great as Laurie Strode again. I felt the pace of the movie was a bit off…seemed to jump around a lot and drag on at some parts. I think a lot of hardcore fans, including myself put this movie on a pedestal that could never be realistically reached anyway. It makes me appreciate the original even more. Overall I did enjoy it and thought it was a good sequel…I would put it after H2 in terms of sequels so that’s pretty good to me! I’m definitely going to have to see it again this weekend for a second time.

There were some great nods to the original. My favourite being Michael throwing Laurie off the balcony only for her to disappear when he looks.

Overall I think its a very solid entry in the franchise. JJC nailed the role and made Michael genuinely scary and I could really feel the suspense in the final showdown between him and Laurie. I even didn’t mind the parts where you catch slight glimpses of his face which surprised me as I never liked the Tony Moran part of the original

Besides the one scene with the doctor and the ending, I loved this film. He exonified evil in human flesh and I truly was impressed with how well everything worked. Everybody has their own opinions but I believe this film explained Myers better than any before it and just might place it in the #2 spot for me. Very impressed

They certainly upped the body count. I think I counted 12. I might be slightly off but its in that ball park