Help me decide, best Handiboy H1 mask?

Hi all I’m sending my converted tots H2 into Nick M for a rehair and while it’s there have decided to get a H1 bad boy from him.

My question is in your opinion what is the best mask he sells that is most screen accurate to the H1 look?

I was looking at his Halloween man mask and love that but after speaking to Nick he has told me his new mask the Dead Ringer is more accurate.

Upon researching I see alot of people on these boards think the Dead Ringer mask makes a better H2. I already have a H2 so am after a ideal H1.

Let me know what you all think. Please don’t recommend other mask makers as I really want to go with Nick as I want to support his work and I personally think he makes some of the best most affordable masks out there.

So to sum up what’s Nick’s beat H1 that I should buy to capture the H1 look. I’m mainly after that clean H1 look by the way with minimal weathering etc.

Thanks in advance for all the help.

I know this is all personal opinion but appreciate the input to help me decide.



Both look great, I’d go for the Dead Ringer, personally, but the Halloweenman is just as good

According to him the most accurate is the Dead Ringer, the NHK seems to have more of the Castle strecth though, and the Halloweenman is just beautiful, you really can’t go wrong with any of them, IMO the Dead Ringer doesn’t look like an H2 mask, it’s definitely H1.

I’d definitely go Dead Ringer or NHK. Those are what look best to me from Nick.

the one that looks right to you.

Everyone sees something different when they look at a Myers mask. It’s like voodoo. :laughing:

Just got a dead ringer from nick last week. Imo it definitely resmbles an h2 but could just change with stuffing. As it did with the different shapes of Nick and Dick’s heads. I had a halloweenman for a bit but decided to sell it ill include a pic of both. Imo i like the dead ringer sculpt more, but everyone has their own opinion, get the one you like more.

NHK or DeadRinger HANDS DOWN

Personally, I like the NHK most. But the dead ringer is definitely more accurate, I’d go with the NHK or ringer

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I like the NHK. Mainly because it fits my noggin lol

Dead Ringer it is thanks to you all again for your help. Please keep the pics coming of your Dead Ringer masks to help tide me over the waiting period lol

I have the same prob, I’m after an H1 and go back and forth between the NHK and Dead Ringer. I look at pics of the NHK and I say, “yep, that’s the one!” then I look at the Dead Ringer and I’m like, “nope, THIS is the one!” I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder but damn! I think I’m leaning towards a Dead Ringer… I think.

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I ordered an NHK - that looks more Castle-like to me, and the DR looks more Warlock, so more H2.

IMO the NHK and the HalloweenMan are my favorites! I love the DR but it all depends on the copy you get. I have seen some that look really good and others that are a little less.

Yeah I think I’m convinced, NHK it will be, now I just have to figure out how big my noggin is

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I agree, I’ve seen some great copies but others that are less flattering

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Its the only thing that has stopped me from getting one. Would like to but I am on the fence.

To me its the halloweenman so thats what i went for

For me when I saw this Halloweenman I fell in love. For me the NHK and dead ringer have a rounder look (from the ones I have seen him post on facebook) and look more h2 than h1.

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Cant wait for my halloweenman now after seeing the above pic. Think im 3 months into the wait now

Nice!! im getting ready to pull the trigger on one. just have to get through this last wonderful holiday and than can do it