How to Make a Halloween Myers Display

Thought I would Share how to make a Display bust.

How to make a Halloween 1 Bust

Hot Glue Gun, Fruit of the Loom Tag Less Black Tshirt washed a couple of times. Coveralls of your choice ( I prefer the Vintage green herringbone dyed to match H1 or Charcoal big macs dyed using Ritz Dye, Green and Black mixed). Hand held jigsaw, Killz water based latex primer. Krylon Coral H20 Latex spray pain. Pint of Satin finish Flesh colored water based latex paint (Got mine at Lowes, Make sure you tell them water based latex paint. You dont want oil based). Foam paint brush. 2 Fine sand paper brick. Display Bust from this link
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1 - Cut a square hole in the bottom of the display leaving about 1 inch border.
2 - Sand foam display lightly to remove any debris
3 - Using foam brush paint on Killz primer. Once you have plenty of Killz on the bust, Rinse your brush out and let it dry.
4 - Let Primer dry, Then sand lightly
5 - Once primer is dry and you have completed a light sanding, Spray on Krylon, May take 2 or 3 light coats. Lightly sand in between coats, (Be careful not to spray on too much in one area or too close, This could cause it to run. Which would cause you to sand more than you want)
6 - Paint on your flesh colored water based latex. This will be done in three coats and you must let it dry in between coats. Go do something else, Dont watch paint dry. :laughing:
7 - Once paint is dry and you are happy with the results, Position the Black T on the bust where you want it. This part can be tricky. Hold the bust up with out moving the placement of the T shirt. Cut the bottom of the T shirt off leaving about 4 inches of over hang.
8 - The rest is going to be a little bit of a pain, and is really tough to explain, You will have to tack the clothing with the hot glue on the bottom of the bust and fold over the bottom into the hole you cut out in Step 1. This will be done e section at a time. Do the front and then the back first. Attempt the sides after.
You must do this for the coveralls as well. It is a pain staking task and you may ruin the coverall the first time. Remember cut a little at a time. If cut too much you cant go back. There will be a series of folds on the sides. Make sure your folds face to the back. Trial and error before you cut.

_Okay I am adding these pics for you guys.

First you need to start with a tall glass of Cream Soda

Second gather all your tools, paints etc… Here are the items I use to start the bust

Jigsaw. Use the Jigsaw to cut a hole in the bottom of the bust. the whole should be about a 5 x 5 square.

Fine Grit Sand Paper. Sand the bust from any protruding particles.

Latex Kilz. Paint the bust using Kilz and the sponge brush pictured below. 2 coats. Doesnt take but about 15 to 20 minutes to dry.

Bust after the first few steps

Use Coral colored H2O latex spray paint. 2 or 3 coats depending on how well you spray paint. Dont get to close.

Bust after the coral spray paint has been added

Flesh colored latex paint. This you will have to choose yourself what look you are going for. Paint the chest back and back half of the head first. Then let dry. It should look like the picture below. Do a second coat after it dries. Not painting the face allows you to hold on to it as you are painting it.

Now paint the face. Do 2 coats. The sun was really bright for this pic so it does look more flesh colored in person. Out door pic and below that an indoor pic.

The end result can look like this

Hope this helps those who want to to tackle something fun and challenging


Looks really good! Those eye inserts look great too.


Very cool stuff, Matthew. Thank you for sharing some tricks of your trade.

That display looks amazing! :open_mouth: :mrgreen:

Mondo cool Matt!

Thanks for sharing with us. That bust is amazing!

_You guys are welcome. Thanks for the compliments.

Its fun to do these. I dont mind sharing things I know._

WOW thanks for sharing
That makes for a KILLER display
This will be a nice idea and addition for in my new horror room.
Thanks again

Good tutorial Matt! Nice display there for sure.

Thanks Spooky and Chad. You guys are welcome very much.

Very informative, yet easy to understand. A fantastic post. Thanks!

I believe I’m going to tap you for one of these when the eagle lands.

Uh, oh! I just put 2 and 3 together and I got … THE ANSWER! Nice man.

Looks great! Might have to pick one up in the future. :sunglasses:

Nice info. man! That bust looks cool as hell!

Looks very nice Mr. Mayhem.


I vote for a sticky on this one… for a short while even.

This is very helpful and everyone wants a killer display right!?

:drinkers: It’s the weekend baby… time to get my drink on. :drinkers:

nice Matt! Thanks for sharing with us!

Damn Matt, thats some kickass info dude…hell yea!

What exactly is the KILLZ used for though :question:

Killz is a primer. It comes in oil and water base. Water base is what you want to use so it is safe for contact with latex and because you will be painting it with water based latex paint

That’s really cool. Thanks for sharing this.