just wondering what will happen..

if and when michael myers has killed off everybody in his family what would happen to him,i mean he want have no members to kill anymore, :question: will the evil leave him and he will die or what.

He died in Halloween 2, he was burnt to death. You can’t kill anyone when your dead.

That,my friend is Gospel.I do love the Rob Zombie films,however,in regards to the original franchise,Michael died in the fire at Haddonfield Memorial hospital.

yea definitly gospel as for rz h2, u know he isnt dead, lol, Z

grant you he did burned up in part 2, but he survived and came back in part 4 and 5 and so on. :bulb:

I gotta go with the guys from NY on this one. To me, it was over after H2.
Jay Muzz :drinkers:

Yip, for me he died in the fire in H2.

So you guys never watched any of the movies past H2 right? I mean if Michael is dead at the end of part II then why would you watch any of the others. Right, I mean what would be the point if that’s how you really feel…Right? Hey I think all of them are all cool in their own way. I’m just too big of a fan I guess.

i have to agree ron, i love every one of the halloween movies infact(and ill probably get bashed for this) i liked the halloween films after 1 and 2 more than 1 or 2, especially part 4, Z

Im going with the majority on this one guys, I would believe the rest if they kept it up better along with the same mask from 1 and 2

man honestly ron i’ll check out H3-H8 around Halloween if i catch them on AMC or something, but even at that im more than likely going to turn the channel before i finish it.
i dont own or ever rent H3-H8 to watch during the off season. i do own H1 (dvd and blue ray), H2, RZ Halloween (blue ray and dvd) and i will buy rz H2 when it comes out.
and it so happens that the order those film come out is how they fall in my favorites catagory.
rz remake
rz H2
the rest of the Halloweens i could do without. i know crazy right?

aw mask collector, to each their own. if you like a frumpy, happy looking myers then good for you :wink:

lol, everyone sidetracked the original question.

if Myers killed his whole family, what then? I suppose he’d be at peace with himself and there’d be no reason for him to go any further, thus offing himself.

Im sure a few felt this way but its only human nature to want to see Michael Myers again & if its a new movie ? Of course the natural curiosity is there. But once seen it makes it that much easier to accept the fact that the rest are more than not shit compared to 1 & 2 & just shitty in general. Once the mask started going down hill & changing, so did the quality of the movie & if you don’s care about the actors in the movie as to if they live or die then the movie itself is just…ehh :confused: . Its a bit ironic that the best one cost the least to make, but i see your point.

But to answer this magical question, I think he would kill anybody who gets in his way of trying to kill a dog or get some sort of food or ? in somebodies house & the owner finds him without the mask …Thinks he’s a mechanic who is drunk & a part time drinker & Mike will find some object in the house to beat him with.Get arrested or shot by the popo in the long run & end up surrounded by four padded walls & die of old age or of whatever family history/medical problem’s run in his family…Weak heart, high blood pressure,liver failure etc etc…


He would go to Disneyworld. :laughing: I guess he would finally…die

LOL I knew someone would say this. I even had one person go as far as to say “you are not a true fan” cuz I didn’t like the sequels??? :laughing: I also love Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi but don’t care for the new ones… Does that mean I’m not a real Star Wars fan?? Free country guys and last time I checked we still are entitled to our opinions :unamused:
Jay Muzz
(sorry for gettin’ so far off topic night man)

Yeah, and so far everyone has missed the point. The storyline of Michael out to kill his own blood was a story that JC came up with for the sequel. This continued with part 4 and 5 and 6 with the thorn storyline. It’s just a natural progression of hollywood trying to milk as much as they can. The reason that Halloween was such a great movie was because you never knew why he did what the did. Even though JC had to come up with a reason to keep going after Laurie in part 2 it still worked. Everything after that was just about making money off a franchise. It’s cool if people liked the sequels or didn’t for whatever reasons.

The biggest mistake in the storyline was trying to explain his actions after he “died” in the second movie. Giving him a backstory as a typical Psycho serial killer by Zombie was a mistake. The genius of the original was the fact that you were really never told why he did what he did, the mystery and suspense ended with the first movie, the sequel was worthy and well written even though it was a self proclaimed “flying by the seat of his pants” situation from JC, and he has said as much in interviews regarding the second movie.

Keep in mind that the gore and blood was a conscious decision to compete with the copycats that came after the first one. I will say that if the mask was kept the same through the sequels I would have enjoyed them more regardless of storylines, but I enjoyed each movie on it’s own, the RZ stuff, I will never be a fan of. That’s just my opinion though.

As per the original question? I agree with 51…ol’ Mikey would end up in a show-down with the police and either fall in a hail of bullets or spend his dying dies staring at some padded white walls.

As for when he died for me movie wise? Its got to be Halloween 2. I liked H4 but mostly because it was the first one I saw live in the theatre. H5-H8 pretty much suck as they were made to keep up with the trends at the time. It culminated in the embarrassing MTV shit fest that was H8. I actually get physically uncomfortable watching that movie and seeing the mockery that was made of such a great mythos.

yea i have a feeling ONE day there will be a director that decides to end the franchise…with that being said, the ONLY way that we havent seen michael die is by his own hands… i think once he has taken care of all his family members he will go back to his house and kill himself. that way no future directors could come up with a way he survived…thats just my crazy idea though :finga:

H4 -come on you know it ruled.

I’m so happy to see I’m not the only one who thinks HalloweeN ends in part 2.
:smiley: :smiley: :drinkers: