I’m speechless, James. Your hair work never cease to amaze me, there’s nothing like it. I love it! You have proven over many times that you are truly a professional. Hey, I appreciate the great words about my character! The same could be said about you, my good friend. I’m proud to call you and Matt L. my good, trustworthy friends. You have made me a happy man. I’m looking forward to getting these guys back! Enjoy your vacation on the beach, you deserve it.
Thank you for the comments, Randy, Chris, Ryn, Anthony, slasher75, Tom, DarknessBDJM, Josh, and Kris. Hey Randy, I appreciate the great words about my character as well, I consider you to be a good friend of mine! Keep in touch, buddy.
slasher75, I agree, it’s definitely not a H1 mask. It makes a great H2 mask for sure like you said, I’m proud to own both versions nonetheless.
Okay guys, here’s the story behind these copies:
As some of you already know, KH originally made 10 copies, 6 of these copies went to his customers and 2 of these copies went to AS and DW (“the special inner circle of friends” as some of you see it). He kept the remaining two copies for himself which I bought directly from him months ago, the prototype which he painted up H1 style and the pull that he picked out for himself which he called his personal copy which he painted up H2 style. Sadly, there are 15 copies (including mine) out there that I know of which could mean that there are at least 5 recast copies. I’m pretty certain that Colin Mayne and Andrew Santagato are the ones who are responsible, I have already told this story not too long ago in another thread. There is one copy that I know for sure that is a recast (its owner confirmed it and it came from Mayne), and there are other two that I suspect to be recasts as they came from Mayne/Santagato as well (that’s three out of five). As for the remaining two, I’m not sure. I’m not going to point out which copies they are but I will just say this, if a KH SLE copy came from Mayne, it’s most likely to be a recast or a non-legitimate copy. Mine are the geniune prototype and the artist’s personal copy.
I found a way to contact KH directly and asked him about his Rare copy, he told me that it was long gone as the silicone didn’t last as he had hoped but he told me that he did have a KH SLE copy if I wanted one. I told him yeah. He sent me pics and revealed that he had two copies, he told me that I could choose which one I wanted. I just had to try to get both as they were so distinct from one other so it was hard for me to choose just one. He initially refused to sell both as they were the last ones he had and there’s no way for him to make any more, I was able to work out a deal with him and got both.
Thanks for looking, guys!
Here’s a couple of pics KH sent me while I was trying to work out a deal with him…
Here’s a pic I took of the prototype…