
Who else here feels a huge disconnect between the board and the FB group? I feel like I’m babysitting every time I look at it. Anyway’s here’s a mask pic.

I’m not even on the Facebook, in fact I dont even have Facebook lol. Should I?

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That’s the new tots 78?

No, not at all

I’m not on Facebook at all, so I have no clue what it’s like over there. I can certainly say there’s a disconnect though. It seems to me that the Facebook group (from what I’m told) has a shit ton more activity and members, but from the sounds of it maybe I should be glad of the disconnect haha

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Yeah it has more users and activity, the problem is at least in my eyes, theres tons of the same threads and posts of questions about this or that or debates over the same things over and over like the whole coverall color. Most questions that are asked could be answered by just searching on the forum or using google. Tons of people that dont understand how we pay such high prices for our collections. Then theres the million posts of the same blu ray or tots mask or whatever else just got released if you get what i mean. I do get on it and dont mind helping with info on some topics that pop up and seeing pics of others collections. It does seem to have more mask pics and collection pics but that may be just because you can scroll through them and not have to view a thread to see them. Really you just have to treat it like all of FB and ignore most of it and weed through to find the good stuff. I do enjoy the forum more but continue to use both as do a few other members i see on both. If you don’t have FB its no reason to start using it in my eyes though.

The babysitting comment is probably the easiest and best way to describe the FB group in one word.

Both communities really annoy me. For some reason I keep coming back hahaha

Annoys me to…but facebook is good place to pick up masks…more so then the forum

I enjoy the facebook group as there is a lot more activity and a great place to buy and sell masks faster. On the other hand I have noticed a lot more drama and rude a** people.

The fb page ruined the original purpose of as far as being a place for discerning indy myers mask collectors. It’s now mostly a waste land of morons, hypocrites and socialist millennials who ignore reality

I will agree on the fact that it’s another avenue in buying/selling/trading masks. That is another plus side of the fb group.

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Lovely mask. I stay away from the FB group. Extremely repetitive.

The only reason why I have a FB account is the buy masks from Nick and Nik :sunglasses:

I definitely feel the disconnect. A lot more newbs on the FB than here, and I’d even go so far as to say that most of the members of the group aren’t even aware that this forum exists.

Exactly this. I like both, but the forums are really for the old schoolers.

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Most definitely don’t know that the forum exists. I consider myself a noob but also know how to research something instead of just asking every question that pops in my head. I’ve collected Myers stuff for a while, but masks only about a year and half. Well I should say I got serious with collecting the masks then, I had a few fun world and tots masks. Almost every time I have brought up something with the forum I get the response of “what forum?”. I find it funny that most have never gone to the .net address that is the name of the fb group their a part of. I found the site before I knew there was a fb group.

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Most of the “newbs” here could undoubtedly run circles around the ones on the Facebook group.

Actually, I likewise found the site before the Facebook group. I came across it in 2009 and joined in 2010. This is the first internet forum I ever joined, in fact. I would say most of the people who ARE serious about collecting masks come to this forum. :slight_smile:

There’s more life on the FB page but 80% of it is just noob posts. This site has been dying for a while, sadly. Derek is selling it for a reason.

Facebook is an outlet for those who feel insignificant and crave attention. Pathetic if you ask me. You’ll never find me on there. :unamused: