Here is a H78 by NAG that was finished by JC. I really haven’t ever taken any pics of this mask and today felt like a good day to do so. Sorry. no coveralls!
Thank ya!
Here is a H78 by NAG that was finished by JC. I really haven’t ever taken any pics of this mask and today felt like a good day to do so. Sorry. no coveralls!
Thank ya!
Fantastic buddy! Excellent mask… ummmm you selling it? “lol”
Holy cow
Wow great pics man!
Fantastic Castle look on that last pic
No iron either
Great nask…
get some coveralls and your Michael lol, great mask congrats
didn’t feel the need to iron my shirt to take a mask pic.
I could have left my work uniform on and you could have seen the shit all over me from a busted sewer line that I repaired today
Dude you need to post pics of all the gems you sold!!
congrats man!
Damn dude that there is one nice lookin mask… Sell it to me!!!
Great pics Bryan!!!
Needle shot, all the way!
Nice mask and a hat off to JC, he definitely has the magic touch when it comes to finishing H1’s
Thats a great H1.
Jc did a remarkable job again. Cool pics and thanks for sharing
Awesome Bryan. You wear that very well man. Congrats!
Jay Muzz
Man i never get tired of seeing H78s awesome mask man!
Haha Kai, this one isn’t for sale…(yet )
Thanks guys!
that shirt is awesome man hahaa
and the mask well what can I say about it that hasn’t already been said about the H1 hero mask
I love these H78’s and james’s work is killer. I love that fact that James and Mike(HALLOWS) paint them up differen’t to pull off the H1 look very well… Dean