NAG/JC H78 Myers....Pics

Here is a H78 by NAG that was finished by JC. I really haven’t ever taken any pics of this mask and today felt like a good day to do so. Sorry. no coveralls!

Thank ya!


Fantastic buddy! Excellent mask… ummmm you selling it? “lol” :axe:

Holy cow :open_mouth:

Wow great pics man!

Fantastic Castle look on that last pic :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:


No iron either :wink:
Great nask…

get some coveralls and your Michael lol, great mask congrats

didn’t feel the need to iron my shirt to take a mask pic.

I could have left my work uniform on and you could have seen the shit all over me from a busted sewer line that I repaired today :slight_smile:

Dude you need to post pics of all the gems you sold!! :astonished: :laughing:
congrats man!

Damn dude that there is one nice lookin mask… Sell it to me!!!

Great pics Bryan!!!

Needle shot, all the way!

Nice mask and a hat off to JC, he definitely has the magic touch when it comes to finishing H1’s :slight_smile:

Thats a great H1. :smiley:

Jc did a remarkable job again. Cool pics and thanks for sharing

Awesome Bryan. You wear that very well man. Congrats!
Jay Muzz

Man i never get tired of seeing H78s :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: awesome mask man!

Haha Kai, this one isn’t for sale…(yet :slight_smile: )

Thanks guys!


that shirt is awesome man hahaa
and the mask well what can I say about it that hasn’t already been said about the H1 hero mask


I love these H78’s and james’s work is killer. I love that fact that James and Mike(HALLOWS) paint them up differen’t to pull off the H1 look very well… Dean