New Score! 1 of 15 Cinema Secrets SE masks...


What I mean by “maybe” is it looks like there is no way to say for 100% that it is or is not 1 of the 15 Special Edition masks Cinema Secrets made for Halloween Resurrection. I lean toward “it is” but obviously I’m biased! :laughing: Here’s the story:

The guy who sold it did not have the C.O.A. My first thought was it probably WASN’T legit at this point.

First I contacted the guy and had a LONG conversation with him to see if he was legit. After talking to him for quite awhile I decided that this guy was most likely straight up so I could probably rule a “con job” out.

Still I didn’t know what to do.

My knowledge of the CS H8 masks was somewhat shaky. I knew there were several different versions released; an economy version, a classic version, a deluxe and a limited to 1000 collector’s edition. Something close to this at least.

What all of these had in common were they were mass produced to one extent or the other and all had the “Cinema Secrets” logo on the back of the neck.

What I was looking to buy did NOT have this logo.

This led me to believe it had to be legit or a recast. I studied the pics he sent me and requested a few more. NOTHING I saw in these pics suggested a recast. There was FAR too much accurate detail. So if it wasn’t a recast it seemed it HAD to be legit.

I decided to contact the two people I look at as the Myers Masks Gurus…BIlly Kirkus and Sean Clark.

Billy viewed my pics and immediately said that this mask indeed looked like the same SE Sean had. He also addressed the issue of it having no COA and informed me NONE of these masks had the COA when C.S. sold them. These were aquired after the sales.

That was enough for me to feel like maybe I did have something special here after all.

I contacted Sean next and (as usual) he filled me in on some interesting facts I wasn’t aware of previously.

He informed me that there were versions made without the stamp on the back that were not of the 15 made for the film!

Sean went on to say that after the initial 15 masks sold that fans were contacting Cinema Secrets to have custom masks made prior to the release of the retail versions.

Furthermore I found out from Sean that C.S. actually sold a few stampless blank versions of this mask as well as a few finished versions on Ebay!!!

Of course ANY of these scenarios would make this mask fairly rare and I’m glad to have it.

Also I think I can safely narrow it down to two possibilities at this point.

  1. This is INDEED one of the 15 made for the movie masks. OR
  2. This is one of the few finished stampless versions of the mask C.S. sold on Ebay or directly to a customer.

The reason I say this is if it were a blank then whoever got this mask would have did one AMAZINGLY accurate paintup and usually all artists have a “signature look”.

I am actually leaning to the possibility it IS one of the 15. Sean looked at my pics and said it looks like his (1 of the 15 made for the movie) personal copy. I have also noticed VERY similar paintups on those 15 masks. The “blotches” around the neck, overspray at the hairline (same look), whitish/grey paint, etc. These all appear on mine.

Thanks for reading the rather long story and for taking a look at my new score!

And, as always, a BIG thanks to Billy Kirkus and Sean Clark for their invaluable contributions to this community and hobby!
These guys are extremely knowledgeable and always willing to help. We are lucky to have them in our Myers family!

CONGRATS BENNY on your new score and an interesting read buddy. Mike

regardless of what it is, it’s a beautiful piece and a lovely addition to any collection. Major congrats on the pick-up!

well big congrats on your score Benny! :drinkers:

Looking at the inside of the mask I can tell it matches my copies latex to a T so its definitely from CS. Great pick up man.

Thanks Mike, DeathClutch and embodiedhost!

That’s a BIG help, thanks Scott. I actually had you and Paul in mind to contact about this mask (knowing you both had one), this saved me a pm! :laughing:

That was a really great read and Wow…what a score. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Don’t ya just love when that happens from time to time.

Thanks for sharing… :drinkers:

It looks exactly like Sean’s mask for sure and I remember posting in the thread that came up that they were made and sold without c.o.a’s and Sean had them make some. It’s an awesome mask and you probably got it for a steal so I would be a happy camper on that whole deal.

There ya go… very nice score Benny! :rock:


I’ve had a 1 of 15 before and to me this doesn’t look like one of them. The hair is off a little bit. Did you get this from a guy off ebay? He posted it several times on ebay.

Thanks MyersNSanDiego - yes, this was VERY lucky. If he had a COA I would have NEVER been able to get this mask right now. These things sale for 1800-2000 on average and that wouldn’t have been a possibility at this moment.

I appreciate it Scott!! I did get a good deal on this one and I am glad I went ahead and pursued it after initially thinking it wasn’t legit due to him not having a COA.

Thanks JC!! I appreciate it my friend.

The hair is off because the guy hairsprayed the heck out of it and matted it down before sending it. :frowning:

The hair is very human-like (may be human hair) when you feel it under the areas that wasn’t sprayed.

This was from the ebay seller. I had contacted him about three days before the one thread was started but after reading some comments in the thread (and the poor pics) I didn’t expect to pursue the mask any longer. The pics he took were in terrible lighting and the mask was hanging on something that really distorted the shape of the mask. Also the way he had the hair styled (flat in most places and “poofed” up in very inaccurate to the movie areas) really threw it off. The pics he sent me privately I explained how I wanted them taken and it was MUCH better. I still wasn’t sure yt but I just couldn’t let the “what if” possibility go it seemed.

Finally I called the guy. I had some suspicions about him based not only on the thread but some other accusations (the Judith’s Nightmare,etc) but when I spoke to him it was cleared up. This guy buys TONS of masks but he isn’t as hardcore “educated” on these masks as most of us. For instance he had me look at a new score he had thinking it was one of the CGP 30th anniversary masks, it wasn’t.

He was more than willing to take ANY pics at any angle of the C.S.mask and disclose all info he had. He also had MANY pms of people wanting to buy the mask but they were all concerned he had no COA. Many I’m sure (like myself) did not know they didn’t come with COAs originally.

The pics he took didn’t help any. He may be worse than me! lol

After Sean saying it looks just like his personal copy, I think I’m ok with this one.

By the way, thanks for your help as well. I know I contacted you early on about this.

Congrats on the new score man!

I noticed the hair line too. I also can confirm what sean and Billy said about some copies not having a copyright. Ive owned a couple first run cs “greys” (back when they were detailed paintups) and a cs “white” along with a very well made SE 1 of 1000. The SE’s varied in size and thickness aswell as paintups, but DID have a copyright so it rules out an SE. Mine was a smaller more detailed version. As far as what you have hear Im no H8 expert BY ANY MEANS, however I can conclude that this is a rare h8 and the paint and hair seems too match CS’s company very well. This could very well be 1 of 15, but at the same time could just as easily be an early version that was offered on ebay when the film came out. Without a COA the price on this piece is hurt a great deal. I’d get it confirmed and documented by CS or Sean Clark. I think Sean was the orginial person who offered these too the public, but could be wrong on that one.


BlackestEyez88 - thanks man, appreciate the congrats!

Thanks Kennyd, I have definitely considered this idea and it is a solid one. By the way, when you said one of the 1000 SE’s…you mean Collector’s Editions, right? I may be off on this but I was thinking the CE’s were the 1000 run and the SE’s the 1 of 15 made for the movie masks?

Good to see you around more, I wondered where you had been.

Thanks Brother! I do stay in the shadows, but I’m always around; as far as the SE and the CE’S, yes I mean the collector’s edition. Like I said Im no h8 expert, just sharing what I know from what Ive owned personally and have been told by reputable people. Lets hope this is indeed 1 of the 15.


Benny Congrats! :drinkers:

then post pics to compare, it looks legit to me, sweet score bro.

Very Nice! I want It!!! Congrats! :open_mouth: :drinkers:

Cool score Benny, congrats my friend! :drinkers:

like your h8 bro. very nice! :smiley: