I want to send Nick Castle photographs of him as (The Shape, Halloween) through the US mail, to be autographed/signed. There’s just one thing. I don’t have any pictures to send. How can I get pictures of Nick Castle (The Shape, Halloween)?
Is there somewhere I can send Nick Castle (The Shape, Halloween) photographs to be signed, or is there any way I can get pictures of him as his Character signed?
He signs through the mail, and if you send him a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope, he will sign what you send him, and send it back to you. I just don’t have any photos of Nick to be signed.
heard the same here. in other words a jerk!!! but hey, hes getting old and probably done it so much, he just doesnt want to be bothered with it anymore. i keep telling myself that cause if i think he really turned his back on what made him, then im just hurt all to hell!!!
Yea I know, I was watching him on youtube for the 30th anniversary convention, Tommy Lee Wallace said he showed up for a little bit but wasn’t in “Autograph Mode”.
its cool bro. the first time i seen that vid was back last week and i thought to myself, damn nick sure has aged. lol didnt look the same at all. seen the comments and it was all good.
Maybe if you send (The Shape, Halloween) a photo you (The Shape Halloween) printed from google images or something, he’d be happy to sign it as Nick Castle (The Shape, Halloween)
Maybe if you send (The Shape, Halloween) a photo you (The Shape Halloween) printed from google images or something, he’d be happy to sign it as Nick Castle (The Shape, Halloween)
Sorry…had to.
Har-de-har-har! So funny, I forgot to laugh. Oh, wait! I did!
I have sent Nick countless of pictures of him as Michael Myers he has signed everyone one of them FREE OF CHARGE
(Unlike Mr. Dick Warlock who sells them instead of doing it free: That spells Jerk to me BTW)
I have also sent him regular mail with Halloween questions and never was he a jerk and always answered my stuff, he always has. So for those who say he is a jerk, Just because he is having a bad day at a convention and he does not show up in autograph mode, clean up ur porky mouths because that’s not right at all.
Nick has a special method to sign autographs, this is a address for fans to send him pictures for autographs: (This is not his place of residence)
Nick Castle
PO Box 92136
Pasadena, CA 91109
Instructions: If you want to request an autograph, follow the guidelines bellow. If you just want to mail a letter with the address above, and do not want anything back, then you can stop reading! If you live in the USA send a properly stamped and self addressed envelope (minimum size 8.5" x 4") with your request letter and a photo. You can include a piece of cardboard to keep the photo from bending in shipping and also add “Do Not Bend” on the envelopes. Send your letter and wait. On average, there is going to be a 3+ month wait for a response. If you do not live in the USA , add several* International Reply Coupons. The International Reply Coupons (IRC) will be used by the receiver to purchase stamps. You can only get them at your post office. Place the IRCs into the envelope, not on it.
This is the latest mail i got from him 5 months ago took him 4 months to reply: