What is the explanation for Micheal following her around in H1 ?
Wouldn’t he be more like in H40? Going at random?
He could’ve just whacked anyone, but instead fixated on her and her friends.
What is the explanation for Micheal following her around in H1 ?
Wouldn’t he be more like in H40? Going at random?
He could’ve just whacked anyone, but instead fixated on her and her friends.
I like to think that Michael wasn’t too familiar with killing yet. When he escapes in 1978, he’s only killed 1 person so far. He then kills the mechanic, and goes home. Then Laurie walks up on the porch. I think that set him off. She was a blonde teen like Judith. He probably didn’t have the anger and confidence to barge into random people’s house and go all Willy nilly like in the new movie.
But in reality, Michael doesn’t really go after Laurie Strode until the Doctor basically brings him to her because of his own goals. When he first sees Laurie, he basically runs away from her. He leaves the house, gets shot in the back, and gets out of dodge.
Yes, the new movie seems to take it back to the original intent of H1, which was there was no reason for Michael to go after Laurie. She was not his sister. He just happened to have seen Laurie that morning on his doorstep, and for no reason whatsoever, decided to stalk her. This eventually lead to her friends Annie and Linda, who he again, decided to go after, for no reason at all. I think the reason Michael ever “fixates” on anyone is because he just happens to encounter them, and decides to just go after them. There’s no reason for it, he just does it. I don’t believe Michael even has a “target”, he just makes whatever random person he encounters his “target”.
Right. Like the lady in the new movie that Michael gets with the hammer. He noticed her out of the corner of his eye, and bam. The hunt began
She’s the one that got away
But he sees Laurie and tommy walking. putting mail in the house. then stalks tommy at school.
then stalks Laurie.
He sure seemed fixated on those 2.
I guess I can buy into the whole thing being that those two were the first he saw when he was inside his house, so he targeted them. Can’t say that I feel 100 percent about it though.
I think Laurie reminded him of Judith, so that’s why he followed her.
Yeah, he was more fixated on her and the group she walked with. The new one he just goes for random people
Now back in 78, wasn’t the whole premise that Laurie was his sister? And isn’t it that we don’t find out till H2 that she in fact is?
I was always under the impression that he had a motive for stalking her and killing her as he did with his other sister, and that she obviously didn’t know her family history, but somehow senses it.
The sister thing didn’t get written in or thought of till 81. So basically he just became obsessed with her
several things about The Shape’s M.O.
It targets anyone it gets In relative proximity. if It fixes on you you’re it.
It fixes targets on his house when Laurie and Tommy get close to it, specially Laurie who it sees close to the door. I believe firmly that she reminded it of Judith.
The Shape is Evil Incarnate, no more explanation than that on the '78 movie. Dr. Loomis is scared out of his Wits of The Shape and keeps stating that “It” is not a man and that its a mistake to think of “It” as a Man.
If that statement (corroborated by Carpenter himself) is true and knowing that it’s been explored for centuries that Evil is drawn to innocence and kindness and seek actively to destroy such traits when discovered in a person (as in hauntings and possessions) besides just destroying out of the pleasure of it, then The Shape’s motives are clear.
She just happened to become It’s Target out of sheer bad luck. It fixated on destroying her emotionally, spiritually and physically. that’s why It allows Itself be seen by her several times to start building terror in her and start breaking her spirit with fear.
watch the new movie. It targets Aaron and Dana because they went to see “It” at the asylum and even worse, they brought THE mask with them. It’s face.
when It escapes he again finds them around the tombstone of Michael’s sister Judith AND targets them for termination in the gas pump station when it follows them there. It wants It’s face back and will kill for it whether It needs to or not.
It kills because It can. Methodically… mechanically, but still enjoying the thrill of the hunt (hence why it stalks It’ s victims and scares them for a short while before going for the kill.)
This also brings me to a point that really freaked me out when I thought about it after I saw the '78 movie again.
Michael’s face.
Look at little Michael’s expression at the start of the movie (pic #2), his face is catatonic. like he was forced to witness how he killed his sister without any type of control of his actions. not even being able to scream in horror. This is the face of a child that just saw something horrible unfold and couldn’t do anything to avoid seeing it happen… not even closing his eyes.
Whatever thing invaded and took hold of his body FORCED the mind of Michael Myers to witness not only how he lost control of the body he inhabits but to see in first person what the thing, now controlling his physical “shape”, did… young Michael became a trapped passenger in a body being controlled by another “thing” and he is Conscious of everything, while everything happens.
Look at Michael (now 21 years old) when Laurie removes his mask (Picture #1) His face… his expression is still the same horrified face of a little child (look at his still good eye and eyebrow and the expression in his mouth…) I can’ t image any worse horror that this. Being forced to watch over and over again as this Thing kills without restraint using HIS body as tool and keeps him trapped and conscious while forcing him to watch in silent horror…
It only Stops when It sees Dr. Loomis.
Could it be that those 8 years that Dr. Samuel Loomis tried reaching out for Young Michael’s consciousness allows the Real Michael Conciousness to stop “The Shape” for a moment? Does Dr. Loomis still represent a glimmer of Hope for the Original occupant of that body forcing “The Thing” hijacking it to doubt and even coward against Loomis’s will to stop him?
It makes me wonder…
Wow. That’s some good thoughts. I think the less we know the better though
Nice post Boogie-Man !!!
Well thought out.
Freaking love this!
I think this film was more of Laurie looking for him. Waiting for the bus, etc. In the scene where the mask is revealed, he doesn’t say a word but everybody in the mental hospital goes crazy. This alone was enough to symbolize the true evil he represented. He is not just a man, and I don’t believe he has any preferences in killing. He kills whatever is in his way and enjoys doing it.
He didn’t kill the baby, the kids he bumped into either. Or Tommy Doyle H78.
So it’s more than who’s in his line of fire.
They weren’t threatening to him.
He actually has ethics.
Quite interesting character.
The kid in H40 had a shotgun so that eliminates his innocence.
This film makes you question a lot though. Does he actually have ethics? Does he think about his kills as much as some believe he does? The mask was in the trunk of the reporters’ car, he didn’t have to kill both of them to get it but he did in an extremely brutal fashion. The jack o’ lantern made from a human head showed the joy he got from doing it and dropping the teeth into the stall showed the pride he took in that specific kill. The boy had a shotgun but I personally believe he would have killed him regardless. The symbolism in the scene where he is presented with his mask is enough for me to believe he is pure evil and would kill anybody at any given time. I don’t believe there is reason or logic behind it.
What an incredible post!!! I love the “IT” factor of evil
Ok, but just saying that he never killed a kid when he easily couldve, till he met one with a gun.
I think it is anyone who is a threat to him.
The kid had gun and a getaway car he needed. So bam he’s outta the way. Just glad it wasn’t over the top gory kill. Rob would of had it last 3?minutes