Pics of the day---- 09/25/12 ------------

Post them badboys :rock:


Good stuff guys! :tonqe:

Myers on his night off…quality :rock: :rock: :smiley:

Sweet stuff today guys!



…Ha…Let’s get a Les Paul in your hands :stuck_out_tongue: :mrgreen:

Na Keep what you got Les Paul,s are a boat anchor LOL :laughing: Just kidding I like Pauls i,v just sold em 4 different times from the weight and they were all Standards 2 being vintage early 70,s gold tops. What is that guitar? Has Tele Deluxe style humbuckers in it!

**They may be heavy…but they’re the best sounding brother :wink Just finishing up my goldtop.

That’s a paper Jams guitar he’s holdin. You strum along with the song that it plays with a motion sensor. They’re pretty cool, I caught myself playing with one @ Walgreens one time when I was bored :laughing:**

Great pics guys !

tried to achieve the h2 look with my NHK :mrgreen:

No, no, no, you guys are mistaken. Make it an SG with a P90 style pickup. Mmmmm. :laughing:

NHK Looks great brother !!! H2 on the way muahaahah

:laughing: That,s funny! Looks real! Fender,s prob after em for their pickup design lol Yeah Pauls have a great sound and actually the 70,s gold top I had was 71 or 72 deluxe with mini humbuckers. That,s the 1 I wish I still had! I also had a 78 standard black I loved the other 2 were newer including a gold top, matter of fact I still have the pick guard off it! It was a 1960 reissue says it on it in silver! I,ll have to go Strat for best all around sounding though :smiley: It,s all preference and i,v never held a guitar I didn’t like :rock: The 1960 is almost rubbed all the way off


MCS Pumpkin. Feel a little silly that i only just found out it is MCS cos i never noticed the sig lol (Thanks Kaizu again for confirmation) but yeah i love this mask:

This pic just screams hero I can’t wait to see it done up with hair great job buddy.


Haven’t donned the ‘outfit’ for a long time, I think it’s time for some new shots…

my new buried pic by Dela torre