plaster of paris sucks in so many ways!

hey guys! i just tried to mould my sculpt and it all went wrong! first of all when i did it i couldn’t find the seam of the two halves of the mould! then the plaster of paris was crumbling everywhere! it sucks! i made it so thick aswell and i even covered the pop with bandage strips! i am telling you i am so angry. it messed up the sculpt too! i hate it so much! i guess mask making isn’t for me so i am just throwing everything away, clay, armature about 3l latex, 25 kg plaster of paris etc! it is all going in the bin and i wasted about $100 on all that s***! so in conclusion, plaster of paris sucks and it simply cannot be used for mask making, except some people get lucky! it is just too weak! :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

sorry you had issues with it…ive never had one problem with it, i just have to mold more often, but for me it’s quicker…everyone is different though. good luck!

man, i don’t know how this happened, i feal so down :frowning: thanks for the reasurance :slight_smile:

Did you use burlap? That is key.

i used bandage strips if that is what you mean

i tryed pop one time and that was it for worked but the mold was just not real proffesional looking.i make my molds using 3 parts pottery plaster one parts portland dont dry as fast so you can have realy slick polished molds.i hate molds with bumps and lumps all over them.imo just dont look like it was done chad said burlap is a must …tommy

Yikes, use burlap and ultracal mate.

i don’t even know what burlap is, i think i am just giving up! i have already spent over $100 :frowning:

Never give up.

Burlap is just a course jute fabric you can pick up at Jo-Ann’s and many other craft stores.

Watch this vid. This guy doesn’t do everything perfectly… but it’s very helpful in getting started. And using burlap for your molds.

Watch at about 7:30 - but you should watch all of the parts to get a good idea of how to do it from scratch.

Excellent tutorial Chad, good stuff.

don’t give up dude there’s absolutely no reason to scrap something because it doesn’t work often first projects around 75 % time fail and at least you learned my joker that was like my 4th mold and it broke but i was angry for a couple of days cleaned up and started working again hence the leatherface
dont give up man 100 bucks may be a lot but its not worth giving up.

Yup. Sometimes the lesson learned holds more value. Losing $100 is nothing when you gain valuable knowledge in the process.
I study things and tend to pick up on them quickly… but I’ve lost tons of money through trial and error. I dont’ sweat it.
Ask any other artist out there, I’m sure they’ll agree that they didn’t become pros overnight.
Persistency and motivation is key.

Yes exactly
Practice is what will make you good at what you do.

thanks for all the words guys! and that vid really helped! can i use burlap with pop? because i don’t wan’t to buy ultra cal, thanks :smiley:

yes but only if you make the mold thick.

ok, thanks! i will buy burlap then do multi layers like the guy on the vid! :smiley:

Hey man!! don’t give up i am in the same boat as you, I have ben working on a Myers sculpt for just over 2 years and am in the process of fixing it because i fu---- it all up trying to make the mold so back to the drawing or should i say sculpting head for me!! Don’t ever give up!! you cant rush an art like mask making just take your time and learn as much as you can . That’s what we are all here for bro. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

thanks bro, i am gonna try again soon! :smiley:

I’ve failed at 3 or 4 molds before getting it right. and I didn’t give up and neither should you.

That sucks, sorry!!