Post your 2016 TOTS myers masks!

Elrod, Hospital and H20. To avoid having several threads post yours in this one!
My Elrod

My Hospital and H20

The hospital mask reminds me of William Shatner today lol.

They all look great though, loving all these quality masks for a good price.

I want a hospital mask for sure.

I am glad we got the H20 but the eyecuts on that mask are not the best…making me think twice on that on.

Yeah, I noticed that too. They just seem a bit off, I don’t know, like they don’t really have a clean cut around the edges.

Got my Hospital and Elrod yesterday, gonna try and find time this weekend to highlight the Elrod and style the hair properly. I love how they added an H20 tag to the Hospital mask… :mrgreen:

Here are a few worn shots of my Trick or Treat Studios H20 Version 2/KNB mask:

You just keep putting out awesome pics :laughing: :laughing: Dude I cant wait to get all three soon. That KNB is crazy sick man! What size is it??

The TOTS KNB mask fits just about the same as the Rubies H4. So its slightly snug, but not uncomfortable. So if your H4 is a perfect fit, then this will be too.

The Elrod mask is just slightly smaller than the KNB or H4, and I did have to extend the slit in the back by a good margin. When I say slightly smaller, I mean it is very slight. Its just a tad more snug than the other two, but after a simple extension of the slit, it still fits snug on my face, but much easier to wear.

With that said, my head is about 23 1/2", so any bigger and they will become unwearable. They fit me like a glove, just as you said, but that won’t fair well for others if they have slightly larger noggins.

Yes the KNB is badass, the only thing I did to it was trim a very small piece off the top of the right eye hole. It was just slightly unproportioned.

Other than that, that mask is damn near perfect right out of the box. The hair is right, the color and look of the mask is spot on, and really see no need to modify further as it is basically identical to what they used in those original shoots for H20.

People have said its the same hair as the TOTS H20 Winston and Resurrection masks, but I disagree. At least not on mine. The Hair on my KNB is a much softer dark camel hair. The hair on my TOTS H20 Winston is much more coarse, and just feels different. Its all camel hair Im sure, but the hair on my KNB feels and lays nothing like the other H20. You can get a movie accurate look pretty easy with the type of hair on the KNB.

My Elrod, weathered and tweeked it with some sideburn glue lines that I put on using liquid latex. I also made the eye holes a bit bigger. The mask is a lot tighter than the TOTS H2. I needed to make the eye holes bigger in order to see better, IDK maybe I overdid it a bit guys, what do you think?

Edit: Fixed the hair better…

Dude that sucker looks great to me man!! Looks like a high end piece to me!

Thanks man. :smiley:

Those pics are making me want one :myers:

Agree nice work on that Elrod, I’d consider doing that but wasn’t happy with my Tramer I customized last year primarily because I messed up the hair so will probably just leave it yours looks great.

It’s a tight mask. I have to wear a small beanie with my TOTS H2 just to keep it from moving around too much and added velcro to tighten it around the neck. I don’t have to do any of that with the Elrod, it’s skin tight.

I’ll take a few pics over the weekend with the coveralls and post them. :slight_smile:

Thanks man. :slight_smile:

Any tips on stuffing the elrod to give it an h1 look?

I just let mine sit on a home made stand for now. If you notice, mine has a bit of a crooked jaw and mouth which I find a bit more pronounced than other pics that I have seen of this mask. I wish it didn’t but I guess you get what you pay for eh? I don’t think any amount of stuffing can fix that. :frowning:

Fresh out of the box!

I’m done tweeking my Elrod and I gotta say, with the proper lighting, it looks pretty damn good…