Many of you who have purchased the new Scream Factory 4k may have noticed there’s more info on the screen, meaning the sides aren’t trimmed showing more of the mask in certain brief moments. Rewatched the school scene after Tommy gets bullied over and over after noticing how the Stunt mask is more visible now so I tried getting some screen grabs(sorry not the best).
While throughout the years we’ve speculated that the paint on the masks used on set had rubbed off whatnot but after re-visting this scene, it almost seems like as if the masks were purposely painted this way, or at least for this particular copy. Not sayin’, just assuming the jawline and certain parts of the neck weren’t painted, giving it that more pantomime make up look.
Oh yeah Kaizu you can definitely see it even more clearly now on this new 4K. No question at all there is flesh tone from the edge of the jaw and down the neck. There are so many details that can be seen much more clearly in this new transfer. When watching my copy in real time I could really see it well.
I agree that if anything, this particular mask was painted that way. Seems odd to think it all rubbed off that early in the shoot. I mean it could of, but it seems more likely that it was just painted that way.
Yea, it’s clear as day that area wasn’t painted in this last shot
Cool new info
If I was to guess I’d say they probably choose not to use up any more paint in the can for the neck, because it’s just the stunt. So all that mattered was at least the most important aspects to the hero are there.
They most likely only had the 1 can of spray paint, so for saving it for touch ups to the hero, they would have just did the faces on the stunt mask, those are some great clear shots there of it too
What about the neck looking very white right after this scene when the Shape is walking to his car? I don’t have a screen shot (maybe someone can help) but it’s clear as day in the previous transfers. Could this just be a shadow effect?
I know what you mean, it seems the jaw line and the whole ear area seems to be not painted or lightly misted but the neck is white. This is also noticeable in certain behind the scenes still shots.
If you spray a can of paint quickly and directly on the face of a kirk mask - these are areas that you will naturally miss or hit lightly. Seeing how this was the stunt mask, that’s probably the simplest explanation.
Exactly this. Probably was just thrown together super fast because they didn’t even plan on viewers seeing the mask in this shot
Huh…kinda like you’d paint your face if you were going to be a mime.
Michael Mimers.
Truly terrifying
If you spray a can of paint quickly and directly on the face of a kirk mask - these are areas that you will naturally miss or hit lightly. Seeing how this was the stunt mask, that’s probably the simplest explanation.
This makes the most sense, the face would be the most important part to paint, anywhere else would be overkill for a stunt mask
The thing I never understood was why did they use the stunt mask instead of the hero in this scene? After all, there is no “stunt” taking place in this scene.
The thing I never understood was why did they use the stunt mask instead of the hero in this scene? After all, there is no “stunt” taking place in this scene.
Exactly what I was thinking.
The thing I never understood was why did they use the stunt mask instead of the hero in this scene? After all, there is no “stunt” taking place in this scene.
Didn’t this mask have larger eyeholes cut? maybe because they knew he’d have to drive while wearing it for a little but I’m not sure is it’s the same mask throughout
The thing I never understood was why did they use the stunt mask instead of the hero in this scene? After all, there is no “stunt” taking place in this scene.
Probably 2nd Unit shooting.
Very interesting.