@Scissors Yeah, you think: “That will never look cool” and you are afraid to mess ip up for the 2nd time, but I am convinced that this time it will be okay… I don’t have to hurry. Halloween is 9 months away!
That’s exactly right,if you take your time you’ll get the best result🎃
You got it down perfect! The base tone is spot on, and the cracks
Yesterday, I started weathering my black-dyed and so non-screen-accurate “fantasy” coverall and I’ve made 2 bullet holes in my coverall which I bought in the UK.
It’s a really heavy and sturdy cloth, but a bullet would go even through this, I thought. There’s also fake blood spray but it was already absorbed by the cloth. In places there’s also hot glue painted over by the fake blood that should make the area of the holes less clean.
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