So, I just walked in from work and....

What do I see? :open_mouth: H-1 madness!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
Mo-Man, What the??? :smiley:
You did a wicked job on this was my friend!! This has Castle written ALL OVER IT!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
The paint and weathering rocks, the cuts are wicked… :smiling_imp:
More to come, I’m going out on a date with the wife right now, i will be back!
Thanks again Mo :smiley: and Jay for the chat, this is a perfect addition to my collection.
I can’t stop looking at it…

That’s one helluva mask Jason! :open_mouth: Congrats Bro!


WOW :open_mouth: That looks fantastic!
Your date with the wife should be her taking more pics of that bad-boy!! :laughing: JK, I know how wives get when hey don’t get to go out.
PLEASE post more pics soon! I love that hairline as well! KILLER!!

Nice pick-up J-MAN :sunglasses: :sunglasses:
That the one Maurice did up??
Looks great on you!!
Congrats man :rock:
PS. you lose weight again?? :mrgreen:

OMG! :prayer:

Can’t wait to see some more pics of it. :smiley:

Nice Man.

Looks a lot like an AHG conversion.

Nice score J, Castle all the way! Now lets see some more pics of that bad boy :smiley:

just outstanding man! :smiley:

that is amazing j and it is a conversion that this kid named mandj9e


Congrats J, always fun to come home and have that special certain package waiting for you!

Congrats J! Now I have to admit… that one looks SICK on you!!! Keep that one man! :wink:


Now that is a good looking mask

hey j
glad it got there ok. man im goin to miss that one :smiley: , it went to a GREAT home!!! BRING ON THE COSTUME SHOTS!!!

thanks everyone for the comments, i have 2 more in the works(one being the “stunt” mask)


great mask jason, its been a while since ive been on is this a new mask?

Awesome looking mask, J-man. Take some costume shots soon!

Congrats J ! great score, what mask is it? :drinkers: