So, I just walked in from work and....


thats a h78 ??? holy crap, I knew that type of mask, but I didnt realize lol, well great h78!!! :drinkers: :rock: :drinkers: :drinkers: :drinkers: :drinkers:

Thats a fine looking mask J. The eye cuts look to be really nice, much different than AHG’s. Nice job MandJ9E. :drinkers:

thats amazing J, wonderful job on it Maurice, Z

Nice J!!! It look’s awesome on you bro :rock: Maurice does some great work!
Jay Muzz :drinkers:

Congrats …Looking awesome Jason. You wear the heck out of that mask. CASTLE all the way. Mike :smiley:

J i swear your the boards biggest tease! but at least its not just a pic of a box :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: sorry man i just had to rag ya abit!

it looks awesome but i cant even tell for sure what it is by the pic. tell your ole lady to watch some sex in the city when y’all get home and fill us in on this bad boy :stuck_out_tongue:

:laughing: Host :laughing:
Thanks my Myers brothers!
I have the costume shots and I’m downloading them now. :smiling_imp:
Again, thanks for the fast shipping amd AWESOME work Mo, I appreciate it!
Also, the communication was phenomenal. :smiley:
BTW, this is the thinnest H-78 that i’ve ever owned. Its VERY kirkish.
If you open your mouth a tad, it really distorts the features, thats what I really like about it!
Again, thanks again everyone! :smiley:

I wouldn’t be married ten years if I did that! :laughing:
We still do dinner dates every now and then, when her sisters babysit. I love it and look forward to them.
Hey K, I did lose about ten pounds, good call… :smiley: All the stress at work, ughhh!! :laughing:
Here we go…
Thanks again everyone!
Man, does this pull off a wicked vibe or what?

Gosh danm you J!!! those pics are insane!!!

Thats a killer mask (pun intended). lol! Your kids look like they’ve seen you in costume a milion times.

J!!! great lookin man. better than i could get it to look in my house lighting :smiley: it looks big on you?lol

i have had more than one person ask if this is a rehaul on someone elses work. this was a kirk when i bought it and i did all the work. i am only making two more of these and moving on to other things :smiley:


Wow! That’s a great looking H78! Great shots too, looks like when the shape coming up the stairs.

Thanks! :smiley:

:laughing: They have! :laughing:
As a matter of fact, they must have run into me about 20 times while taking the pictures! :laughing:
It doesn’t phase them.
Thanks Mo and Ishothim6times.
Mo, it actually fits nice. :smiley: Better than my others believe it or not. Did you request a thin copy? I just love the thiness on it!

no problem seeing the H78 come out in it now! that looks wicked man, i love the 8th pic :open_mouth:
great score J :drinkers:

Wow…Very nice J…Man the H78 is just your mask bro…You don them so well…Maurice did a killer job on that mask…Very Heroish…Congrats on the score my friend…Later bro

J dog as always you put up some beautiful pics man! and congrats on that mask!

J: actualy this is one of my private kirk “stash” masks. :wink: i have been collecting them here and there(as well as blanks). this is one of the first 3 i bought. it was on the nicer side, so i decided to keep it up until now. i didnt request it as thin as it is. i like them a little thicker myself.

Damn thats is wicked awsome man, I love it, you take awsome pic’s in that mask, you always do… Dean