So, I just walked in from work and....

You don’t have the typical Castle bodytype J but the H78 just seems customized for your head…Very nice shots! I don’t see any other mask looking as accurate to H1 while being worn than the original H78’s.

Wow! That’s wicked!! Congrats!!


Thanks Host, Curtis, Psycho-man, Dean, Brando, Sharkstir and Shape, I appreciate it! :smiley:
Cool to know Mo! I didn’t know you had a private stash. :smiley:
Brando, I agree, I don’t have that Castle body at all. I think because the mask is a little larger, and I’m not that skinny, it looks that way because of the mask. For some reason, the H-78 does fit nicely on me.
Thanks again EVERYONE!!
The thing that latched me to this one, was from the pictures that Mo took outside.
I was shocked how the detail still grabbed from natural lighting, as well as it did.
It looks just as good, in person… :smiley:

Heck yeah J those costume pics are spot on :open_mouth: Cool score! :rock:
Jay Muzz

Thanks brudda… :smiley:

I have one of his first conversions in my avatar he does great work and these masks scream H1 I gotta get some costume shots with mine thanks

Great costume shots J, really creepy man! The mask fits you like a champ! I am with you 100% on the natural lighting thing when it comes to deciding on a mask! I like bright, in your face pics that tells the whole story! Shadows and Myers masks don’t mix very well when it comes to purchasing one based on those kind of pics! That can make the “unboxing” a not so great experience! Great point Jason and again, great shots man!


Congrats J! The costume shots look wicked man :smiling_imp:

Impressive costume pics, very nice. :smiley:

Right JC, absolutley.
I love your point with the not so good experience, after taking it out of the box.
That is sooo true. If you take a mask out, and you look at it and say, wow. Then you know you have a winner!
Thanks again for the kind words… :smiley:
Thanks KillinMachine, blackesteyes, and Kris… :smiley:
I just noticed, I took all costume shots. I did take 1 picture by itself. :laughing:
I’ll have to do that later today. :laughing:

A couple quick “solo” shots… :smiley:

Great mask,great shots J.I love the hallway shots,especially the darker one.That is the scene after Laurie tells the kids to flee the house in H1 all the way!!!Nicely done :rock:

Thanks brudda,
That does remind me of that scene. The way the hair stands out in the “back” lighting, gives off that vibe…
See Ya!

great pics mate. thats just as good as your first conversion!

Very Impressive score J-man!
That mask deffinatly has the H1 feel! Great piant job!
Congrats mate!

Thanks deano and Jay! :smiley:
Deano, It definately resembles it for sure.
The difference that I see is that this one, has more of the “Castle” look to it. My original has the Tommy Lee Wallace "meaner"worn look.
Again, thats just what I see…
The best thing about it, it has more of the “whitish” screen color like the original. I love the whitewith weathering on my H-1’s

That mask is so awesome man.All your pics are great.Mo you did an outstanding job on that bro…

That may be my fav out of all your masks and that’s your best costume pic as of now :rock: :drinkers: :slight_smile:

I believe you have the NAG/AHG H78 #4 in your avatar. That’s not one of Mo’s conversions. Mo used to own that mask and he added some black spray to the hair. JaimieLee currently owns that mask I believe.