Some sporadic Myers history. In picture form.

Cleaning out an old stash of computer discs with pictures on them and came across these old pictures.


Original sculpt image of the John Smith Loomis. With beard added to see how it looked. This was the original HMA mask.

This was the very first pull from the mold of Lee Romaire’s Myers… I don’t recall which one. You guys will know. Lee sent these pictures to me as I gave input on the sculpting process through out.

First WHITEY. This prototype was where Lee was playing with different hair colors and style.

In-progress sculpt pictures of the Second Stab from Romaire.

We had a guy doing Myers artwork around here like 9 years ago who did this paint work called Scream King

Ken Hertlein’s Kirk mask spliced with movie-scene. Ken had that Kirk looking perfect!

This was the very first prototype Kirk. Same mask used in the catalog image. Modeled by DPS employee Rob Tharp.

These were the original boxes masks in the 80’s were sold in. I still remember seeing these in Target when I was a kid.

Terry Lambert in his prime. This was me modeling a Nemesis I had him make with special paint and hair work. What a copy!!

Jay Allan’s 75 Kirk. Look at the detail in this thing. Such an unfortunate loss.

Those were the days… when I owned original 1975 Kirk and Spock Trek masks.

MTGarret who still posts here often had this Kirk mask. His pictures before he sold to me.

When I owned a Kirk and Hertlein. What a set!

Denny LeMaster converted this $100 99 Shatner for Steve Todd. Steve Todd sold it and it eventually ended up in my collection. It had yellowed since I first saw images on Steve Todd’s site. Cool to see Denny’s original conversion pictures.

Bad old webcam picture of my 75 Kirk and $40 99 Shatner mask.

Group photo. Hertlein, Nemesis, 75 Kirk and Flesh '85 The Mask.

Billy’s old Kirk mask. Same mask, stuffed different ways.


:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: …wow those are the best pics I have seen in a LOOOONG time

Great post :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
Thanks for sharing :rock: :rock:
How many Kirks did you own??

That,my friend,was the most enjoyable post I’ve read in a LONG time.Thanks for doing that.It was GREAT!!! :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

Those are some very nice pics. You had some good masks

Great pics. A hobby that is ongoing for a lifetime.

Nice post man. What did you do with those masks of Spock and Kirk?

wow speechless.

enjoyed every moment of that scrolling down so slowly

Wow Chan, I had no idea my old $100 99 Shatner made it’s way into your collection. It had started to yellow when I owned it and I have a smoke free home. Probable has something to do with what kind of paint Denny used(fabric paint). Very cool pics!

Right now I own 0 Kirks and zero Myers! I used to think I was some dorky Myers king and had the best stuff. I migrated my tastes into vintage Don Post masks over the past ten years.

great pics of myers history right there thanks for the post!

I agree with the others best pictures I’ve seen in a while. I love seeing that kirk, its straight from the Hero mold.

Amazing archive of Photos!!! WOW :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Thanks for sharing!!!

Oh How I miss that KH. That really lined up nicely with the Kirk.

Lovely pics Josh

Absolutely amazing ! What happened to your 75 kirk? Best post I have read in a long time ! loved every scroll of it ! :smiley:

Great post! Great pics!


A wonderful bunch of pics! Thank you!

Sweet Pics josh…
I was wondering who own the whitey Proto… :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: