Starting in 2019, Trick or Treat studios will hold the licence for H1, H4 and H5

“Trick or Treat Studios is thrilled to share our 2019 Catalog Cover and officially announce that starting in 2019, we are the exclusive Costume Licensor for Halloween 1, Halloween 4 and Halloween 5! Check back frequently to see our incredible collection of masks, costumes and props from these amazing titles!”

Just saw this. Nice. At least we will finally get accurate H1 and H4 and H5 sculpts. Wonder how the H1 will look. This will really be perhaps their best seller.

I wonder if the H4 will go through the same process as the Dammed 388

Curious how this is gonna look.

So much for the indie makers. Zephro will probably crack down like he’s done with the H40. He’ll not get a penny from me.

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Annnnddd here we go

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Judging by the phrase “masks, costumes and props from these amazing titles,” besides the main Myers masks I’m also hoping for stuff like an H1 clown mask/costume, an H5 scythe or rake, an H4 Jamie clown mask/costume, etc. Heck, I could even see them pumping out a Man in Black costume or a Loomis burn prosthetic if they really wanted too. Either way I’m still really excited for some hopefully accurate mass produced stuff.

Don’t freak out yet. There’s a few independent 2018 masks going around and nobody has been sued yet. They’re not gonna start going after every independent mask maker. It’ll be okayyyyy

I mean that is the point of the license no? He hasn’t really gone after people who are making H2 masks currently. No way he will start sending cease and desists to NAG and whatnot. But also keep in mind, a lot of indie makers are using ToTS sculpts to generate revenue through conversions. What if we get a crazy Hero sculpt but the paint is off. Look how many indie mask and latex guys made a killing doing H40 conversions.

Wonder if they’ll base the H1 on their Kirk or do a new sculpt.

I think I read a month or so ago when this was initially being kicked around that it was going to be a new sculpt altogether.

And honestly, with me needing to keep a level head for my own sake, I’ve read enough on this matter that I’m not concerned about indie mask makers getting threats for the masks aside from H40, which we all saw happen. Zephro may be a complete dweeb when it comes to sensibility on these matters, but I think he knows better here.

Not defending him, dude’s an ass and I avoided him like the plague at H40.

EDIT: I may sound overly optimistic, but I try to keep it real, especially as someone planning to go into law. That, and just kinda watching and reading on this whole debacle.

Can’t wait to see this…


As an actual attorney, you’re right, for the most part.

I’m not trying to defend anyone here, but the way copyright law is setup, requires the copyright holders to prosecute any infringements on their copyright. The rationale is thus - If you are unwilling to fight for your copyright, why should the government continue to honor it?

Essentially, copyright holders are COMPELLED to sue any violators or risk losing the copyright.

In this instance, ToTs, as a licensee has no power to sue. However, they can rat people out to the actual copyright holder, who are then required to bring suit to maintain their copyright.

You can’t necessarily blame to copyright holders for suing, nor ToTs for bringing your infringement to their attention. It sucks, but if you lay out the cash to produce merchandise, you should be guaranteed exclusivity.

To ToTs credit, they really only went after people who were in blatant violation. To wit, those that listed items for sale on their sites, or did significant business on eBay. If you’re keeping your business to the forums and Facebook, you should be fine. Furthermore, those that rehaul ToTs masks shouldn’t have anything to worry about.

Interesting news that the H1 is a new sculpt from JM. Fingers crossed for a bigger mask the the Elrod, and with better hair.

I understand those who have issues with Zephro, but I personally have not had a bad experience with him or his company. At least not yet. However I have seen plenty from others on their issues with him and I get it, I do.

But let’s not forget that Trick or treat Studios was founded not just by Zephro, but Mabry as well, going in as VP of art direction. So let’s just remember that it’s just as much Justin Mabrys company as it is Zephros. Hell, most of what you see from them is Justins work. So to boycott or shit on them, really is shitting on Mabry as well.

I get it, Zephro has come off as an ass to many, and I have seen the comment boxes and other sources where Zephro has been a bit of a tool. So I totally understand, but its kind of shitty to just take a pass on the company when one of the most beloved indie mask makers is one of the main reasons the company even exsists as it does today. So let’s not forget Mabry, I haven’t.

With that said, I am ready to get in line for the new H1, H4 and H5 stuff after we start seeing some photos of these new sculpts. Justin will not disappoint.

As for the current H40 mask, it’s odd that the sizes are up and down. There must be two molds or something that is a slightly different size. I have a 24" head and my H40 fits perfect, not tight but not wobbly at all. It’s the perfect size. But the same can’t be said for others, and so I just wonder if both Nick’s and James mask molds were used for this production? That would definitely be the reason for the slight size difference then for sure.

At any rate, Justin is going to nail these new masks, and then we get to have affordable H1, H4, and H5 masks that surely will only need a nice rehaul to bring out the best in them.

I just had to share my stance on things with ToTs, because at the end of the day, it’s Justin’s company and profit too.

This is something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately too, because I’ve been dropping my previous ‘boycott’ of ToTS because of the very apparent reality of not wanting to drop $75-100 on a prop knife or scalpel that might get me kicked out of a convention center, appreciating having an affordable alternative, and the fact that Mabry is still a celebrated indie mask maker. As much as I’d like to drop $350 on a NAG 98 Proto (or whatever my flavor of the week is now), that’s just not in the cards for me right now. An affordable H1 sculpted by one of the most celebrated indie mask makers? Please gimme for $60. I can live with a lesser paintjob for that.

Still got RK’s H2SM in my plans though. That simply won’t change.

EDIT: Also, I hope this things go up for sale earlier in 2019. Let’s not have another H40 debacle. That, and I want one now :stuck_out_tongue:

Honestly, unless it’s a re-tour of the psycho I don’t know why they would sculpt a new Halloween one mask. With the amount of Kirk casts at our fingertips there just isn’t that huge a place, or reason for there to be, any independent scallops if they are re-tools of a Kirk cast IMO

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I just know that I cant get excited because the mask will be small as usual…

Awesome…more to add to my collection

I hope that these will come out as nicely as the 2018 one did. And maybe a larger version this time? Keeping my fingers crossed on this one

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