The Definitive Guide to All Halloween 1-11 Masks, Boots, Coveralls, and Knives **PIC HEAVY**

they are good, and what was used in H20, but if you want H1, Big Macs are what you want to use

Would these be any good for any H1 look???


awesome, thank you. i also found these???, but they are navy blueā€¦ i think i spent the last 2 weeks, researching and reading colour argumentsā€¦ patches etc.

Iā€™d go with that greener color, personally. Iā€™m one to see an olivewood as a more accurate, definitive color for H1 coveralls. A lot of casual movie-goers will say blue though, so itā€™s up to you! :smiley:

see Iā€™m worried about sizing! Iā€™m about 200 pounds, and just shy of 5ā€™10ā€¦ i feel like the navy blue ones would fit me betterā€¦ at 44rā€¦ vs the 46rā€¦

What about that clean 2018 mask that was seen in some pictures before we saw the actual mask they were using? I have no clue where it is, anybody else maybe know something?

The only confirmed clean 2018 mask weā€™ve seen is in the trailer in a photo with evidence. At least I believe thatā€™s the screen used 2018 sculpt retooled to look like a clean version. If you lay out your TOTS H2018 mask on itā€™s side the forms are identical.

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Huh, interesting. Im surprised no mask makers are making a clean 2018, I think it looks pretty cool

Okay, so I just purchased these two coveralls from EBAYā€¦
One is navy blue the other is a spruce greenā€¦but the sizing. Worried about it. Im 5ā€™10 and 200 pounds.
Th navy one is: USA SIZE 44Rā€¦
The older green one is size: 46R
Any comments, suggestions? Super worried i will be a blimp in theseā€¦ aka, they are way to baggy.

I got my 2018 coveralls today. 9.5 oz Ultrasoft coveralls charcoal grey 131UT95 CG.

Took a month but got the right size and weight. Got them from

Where did you end up getting the h40 boots from in having a hell of a time finding them

I canā€™t tell if this is a good paint job or notā€¦ thoughts? direct link below

Iā€™ll say this, It isnā€™t the best paint job Iā€™ve seen, I read the description and saw it was a blank and done up by someone other than Nick. Honestly if you get it I would definitely get a rehaul.

That paintjob doesnā€™t do that Halloweeman any favour

Thereā€™s no clean mask. My buddy saw the premiere

Not sure what your size is? Go to a store and try on a suit jacket for a correct measurement. (not one of those slim fitting jackets.) That will give you your chest size. I think 44 fits like a large dress shirt. The R is like having pants length of 30/32.

Thanks man!

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These arrived today. Size 11.5 same as the screen used boots. Going to go on a display mannequin.

Badass. Where do you get your display mannequins if you donā€™t mind me asking