People say that Chris Nelson said that, but until I actually see a screenshot or hear him say it, I’m not gonna believe it. I’ve said this a million times lol but my charcoal Workrites sometimes have a definite blue tint to them depending on the lighting. I ordered my pair off of eBay, and every picture the seller had, they looked bright grey, but when I opened the box, I really thought I had gotten a pair of navy coveralls. Every picture I take of them looks bright grey though. They’re a trip.
As far as the Halloween 6 coveralls go you state they are light gray walls coveralls then you state they are dickies gray coveralls. Which one is it? I’m thinking they are dickies by doing some research. Also the boots were not double H boots and the boots with the toe straps you have pictured are also not double H boots those are paratrooper boots or also known as jump boots from prewar era. The ones he wore in H6 were old war mechanic boots, basically the boots they wore in the shops to work on vehicles etc.
I have to go back and correct it, I believe they’re Dickies. I have comparison pictures of the Double H’s and I’m pretty sure they’re correct. I’ll post those tonight. Could be wrong, though! And the ones I have pictured are NOT double H’s, correct. They’re the next best thing as I thought I had in the original post, I’ll have to go and check.
For sure! I really appreciate it . I used to have it in there, but I forget if I deleted it for space or not. It basically said that in order for the thread to really be THE definitive guide it would need contributions and corrections by any and all. Thank you my man!
I’m not sure honestly. Maybe some weathering made them darker? I’ll look into it too!
For all of you that are removing the snaps off the cuffs of your Workrite coveralls for the 2018 Halloween Costume. I’m not sure why your doing so? In the picture of Nick Castle drinking a Dr. Pepper, the snaps are clearly visible.
Neither of those pictures confirm if the snaps were removed. The snaps are on the outside of the wrist kind of in the bottom. Both pictures you can’t see the snaps because of the angle… we need more shots to confirm imo
Yeah as you can see in the photo, I have marked where the snaps would be. The left sleeve is way to dark to be able to tell. The Right sleeve angle makes it impossible to even tell. Even if the snaps are not there, they may have just photoshopped them out in close up shots
My buddy made me a custom mask. Check it out. I know the coveralls are navy blue… but they fit me perfect… trying to think how to weather them up good… they are a vintage sears brand. Maybe some light doses of white spray paint misty. Any tips on what i have so far?