Been going through vintage catalogs, so far I’ve been through every edition, 1950-1971. Still going to find the coveralls exactly but the closest I’ve found is this listing which has the coveralls (with a snap, instead of a button/loop). Check out the colors available…
“Tex Green (grey-green)”. I think this sounds like a match to me! Won’t know for sure until I find THE coveralls in a catalog, but this is closest I’ve came! I’ll update this when I find the exact model in the catalogs, along with the colors that they came in thanks for looking!
Nice sleuthing! This Tex Green sounds very promising. It definitely would corroborate TLW account of the color. I look forward to seeing where this leads.
Very Intriguing! Great find. One can only hope of owning the exact type coverall used back then. I’ll hold my judgment of colour but Tex-Green is def promising…
Fuck it’s been too damn long…40 years later with the recent film with OG Myers we’re closer than ever before. Coincidence? LOL
There are a few catalogs from the late 60s, early 70s, several with different color codes for Tex green . 10043 F for one, 10338 F for another. And several more. It’s gonna take sifting through the catalogs to find the exact listing. It had to have been just 1 year that these were made. Almost every year has got snap collars instead of button/loop.
Plus the only “Tex Green” that would matter is an example from sears around that same year in this specific branding of clothing, given that the color can vary widely, I’m sure. Just like olivewood or any other color, you could find 5 examples of grey that all look different from one another.
That’s my point lol. That’s why I’m looking for the exact catalog bc that gives us the colors available. This is just a peak into possible other colors