this might be bad but..

theres a few things i have to bring up that cannot be held any longer. If this results in me being booted, flamed whatever i dont care, i honestly believe my feelings are justified.

As you all know some guy recently clay pressed/recasted the animatronic head and there was a bunch of problems with all that. People got mad, some even went too far with it. But the thing i dont understand is why does everyone get so angry and neglect the fact that the psycho, nmm78, nightmare, and several more masks are direct clay presses, and recasts from an original kirk. Some people told me once that its ok because the kirk is such an old mask or whatever, and i thought to myself what is the difference? The kirk was sculpted by don post studios, and effort was put into it, just like the animatronic head. But still these masks i mentioned before go praised and loved and cherished and the other new clay presses and such are flamed, bashed and so forth. What makes terry, justin or any other big name mask maker so special that their clay presses are allowed but noone elses? Is it because simply people drool over the fact that these clay presses are accurate and reject reality and subsitute their own as a means to somehow justify the act of buying it? Im in no way backing up, or rejecting the act of clay pressing/recasting. In many cases its bad but apparently in the case of the psycho and so forth, its ok.

If this could be explained any better that would be splendid but im sorry, im very lost on this subject

as far as clay pressing the animatronic head, i dont see a real issue with that as long as none are sold for monetary gain, which yeah the part about the ebay sell, anyway that is none of my business and i could care less what that person did or does with the product.
as far as several popular masks to date being a recast from a 75 kirk, well had that not have been done we wouldnt have several of the great masks to choose from that we have today.
i feel there is alittle difference between recasting the 75kirk and recasting a mask/product that is still in production. the 75 kirk hasnt been in production for over 30 years. by recasting one and selling it obviously isnt taking away money from (bill) the artist that created it. however a new released mask which the artist has potential to make money on over the next several years is very wrong to recast and sell for monetary gain because that is taking money from the sculpting artist by robbing his sales.
so i feel wheather the mask is in/out of production and the amount of time its been out of production plays a role in the morality of recasting.
honestly, if recasting had never been done or heard of up to this point and we (the Myers community) didnt have any real great replicas, if someone stepped forth with a 75 kirk and said ive figured out away to get endless exact copies of this mask but technically it would be a recast bacuse im not sculpting it. everyone would then say, “well what the hell are you waiting for get to recasting”!!!

but see thats just it you yourself contradicted yourself. you say that if the clay presses and recasts are sold for cash then its bad, but then you go on to say if the kirk was never clay pressed/recasted we wouldnt have these great masks. what is the difference here? Im not seeing how a claypress of an old mask or a claypress of a new one is really any different. By technicality both acts should be frowned upon.

heres how i see it, If the mods and whoever else want to get rid of recasts and clay presses then the only fair thing to do is to get rid of the nmm78, the psycho, the warlock and all those great masks because it really is no different. The psycho sells for what, 500? thats gain taken from someone elses work, no different.

nmm78, around the same price, perhaps cheaper, again money taken from don post studios weather they still make the kirk or not.

It all dwells down to the fact that we have had these other fantastic masks for so long we just dont want to face the truth that they were all done in a way thats frowned upon.

Very well put, ED!!!

A standard Psycho is sold for under 300…
Remember this is a indie site.
Yes claypressing someones work in the publics eye is bad so we have these undergound indie sites. Must I repeat myself??
An indie artist clay pressing another indie artist is a no no, an unwritten law to the Myers scene since we are all in this together. You’ve owned a Nightmare Travis which makes you no-better than any of us.
Get over it.

is wayne toth an indie artist or is he a pro sculpter like don post studios?

he is a pro, so clay pressing his work is still no different.

I dont even think I should have click this

but the 75 is what like 100 years old
cannot be bought anymore

the animatronic head is new
can still be bought the maker can still make money off it

Most masks in one way or another trace back to clay-pressing and retooling. Some artists are honest about and some aren’t. As far as the indie scene is concerned I think its wrong for one guy to clay press another guy’s work. But I do think there are exceptions and this animatronic based mask is a perfect example.
I don’t feel sorry for Wayne Toth who is living a very good life and Trancas if they lose several thousand dollars because some guy clay pressed their animatronic model.
The indie scene is basically guerilla and thrives/functions behind the lines so to speak. Its a guerilla move. Its wrong but heres maybe a good comparison.
Stealing is wrong but if gun to the head I HAD to steal something? I wouldnt hit a mom and pop store, I’d hit Best Buy. Does that make any sense?

ps…as killer as some of the RZ masks are…does anyone think that Nik’s, Sam’s and this kid’s new mask sales combined are even going to register on Wayne Toth’s profit off this animatronic thing?
I think this guy (forgot your name bud sorry) is getting shit a bit too much.

but i still must be missing the fact that these other masks are justified. i mean theres others, theres an h6 that is a recast, theres a slipknot clown thats a recast, these masks are fine. Even if the animatronic is available, it doesnt change anything. the fact is if people dont like it then dont contradict yourselves by buying another mask that was claypressed. Its nothing more than hipocracy. If you buy a claypress, you cant complain about another claypress. and i can bet any ammount of money i can get in my lifetime, if an animatronic head was produced that was spot on to a 75 kirk, not only would it be claypressed fast but it would be praised, simple as that and not a single person can get me to believe otherwise.

Reread my post …INDIE.
Have you seen anyone sporting this claypressed mask?
He has warned some sites not to advertise ANY RZ mask. This includes any thing that is sculpted from scratch.

Then why do you come here?? :wink:

dude, did you not catch the part where i said wheather the mask is currently in production? animatronic head, in production so no you cant recast it and sell it.
the 75 kirk, not in production for over 30 years so yeah it was recasted without taking money from its original artist. where is the contridiction?

WHY?? does it matter
why does this bother you so much?
thinking of recasting something HMMMMMMM?

sorry had a really bad night at work with a Boss that I hate
and having to pay a COD for a box and not having any money to do it

im not by any means trying to be an ass its just confusing. if its so wrong then it should be done period weather its out of production or not. Maybe you are all right, maybe im wrong. idc. I love this site regardless and all the people here. It bothers me because people will praise one thing and bash another because its wrong to them but in a sence no different at all

but by recasting this animatronic manufactured by a big company, you are taking money from the independent artists that take their time to sculpt and give us what we want. if they lose money, we lose out because they cannot waste time on something already out there.


Then you should pm that certain member that pisses you off through pms or stand up for your favorite sculpter when a bashing is in progress. Instead you start a thread like this every month complaining about high prices and recasting before researching.

well said J

now if Rubies Recasted the 75 Kirk and it came out good(HAHAHAHA)
we would buy it

while Jon Doe Mask Maker just finished a Kirk mask and it came out the same as the Rubies
but is the price of a normal Indy mask and not a rubies mask
would we buy the Rubies or from Jon Doe Mask Maker

hope this make since

I agree with Travis. Claypressing the head is no different than claypressing a 75 Kirk.

I got involved in the animatronic dicussion.As I stated before there is not a bit of difference in recasting it and the 75 kirk.We pick and choose who should be shunned for recasting.Like I said most everyone treated terry like god and he recasted 80 percent of his myers mask.Im not for recasting but we need to treat everyone equally.The reason people think its ok to recast the 75 kirk is because it brings us all these wonderful masks to buy.I think its bs.The 75 kirk is someones hard work just like any other masks.It does not matter if it has not been produced in 30 years.That would be like saying if one of Justins mask was no longer being produced it would be fine to recast it.I just dont agree and we should not pick and choose who to shun for recasting.Treat them all equally