First off, I really liked it. However several of my family and friends actually hated it. So I was wondering, how many fans on the forum didn’t like the new movie?
I don’t want this to turn into a debate, or any fights/arguments…I just wanna see a show of hands from those who didn’t like the movie.
As I’ve seen it more I actually like it a good bit more as well. The peanut butter on my penis and dr. Sartain freak out really kind of pulled me out of it, and some of the homages and music didn’t quite work for me as well as some of the humor feeling out of place BUT Jamie Lee was amazing, the drama present in this movie is far better than the drama in any of the entries, James Jude Courtney was fantastic as Myers, that chase Alyson music cue is fantasmic, and it’s a fun ride. I honestly didn’t think it was scary but honestly the original Halloween isn’t scary to me anymore either. I rank it either just behind the original Halloween 2 or behind 4 with the original being the best. That’s not a bad ranking at all.
I strongly disliked it in the theater. Upon rewatching at home I liked it a lot more. But the whole dr thing is just horrible. Like so bad of an idea it just blows my mind humans actually thought it should be in a movie.
I enjoyed the movie, but completely agree that this part was extremely distracting and absurd. If it was meant to be a surprise or shock, it was lost on me because of how ridiculous it was.
I agree as well. Many unlikeable characters in this one imho. The story & Carpenter’s music are cool though & JLC is amazing. My absolute fave part is them playing the tape of Loomis as Myers is getting ready to be transferred. That “It needs to die” part was nicely done & a strong scene🎃
While I agree the scene is quite ridiculous, it does kind of fit in in its own way. They were trying to make a character that was completely the opposite of Dr. Loomis.
Think about it. Loomis wanted Michael in maximum security or have him killed by any means necessary. Loomis knew Michael was nothing but a Shape. Loomis was a calm man who would do anything to save Laurie from the boogeyman.
However, Sartain wanted Michael “out in the wild”. He tried his hardest to keep Michael unharmed, and he even went to the extent of stabbing a man, to try to feel what Michael feels. Michael has never felt anything (Maybe anger/physical pain). Sartain purposefully put people’s lives in danger, including Laurie. Again, Loomis saves Laurie, Sartain dooms Laurie. They’re polar opposites.
When Laurie says, “You must be the new Loomis” Sartain visibly shakes his head no. But still, him putting the mask on was kind of lame, I love the movie to death though
Tl;dr Sartain is meant to be the complete opposite character of Loomis. Did it work though? Not really
I loved it the first time, but the second and third times, it felt like it dragged on too much with scenes having humour which really was just not funny, and there were a lot of unlikeable characters for sure, especially Allyson and Karen, JJC’s performance still holds up for me, I hope in the next one, he gets to play the part again
It was a very middle of the road kind of movie for me. I liked James Jude Courtney’s portrayal of Michael and Jamie Lee Curtis was pretty great for the most part but I just didn’t like a bunch of other things about the movie. Some of the humor was just so out of place and really pulled me out of the movie (the cops talking about their lunch for what felt like 5 minutes and the kid comically saying “oh shit” as the babysitter is being murdered comes to mind). The whole reveal with Dr. Sartain didn’t sit well with me either. Overall, it was an okay film. I much prefer a few of the other films in the series but it was alright.
The pacing in the movie seems off after watching it a few more times. Some parts drag way too much and the ending feels like it was super abrupt. Not to mention we know Michael is alive so why keep use guessing at the end.
Don’t get me wrong I like the movie a lot, but just the more times I watch it the more I am starting to notice a lot more things that I don’t like about the movie.
Still love JJC as the Shape though and hope he continues to play it as he does an excellent job. I hope they focus more on the Shape next movie and not so much the other characters. I loved that long shot of him going into houses, wish they would have done more of the film like that tbh.
I actually didn’t mind the story of the doctor. Somebody had to set Michael free. Michael “escaping” after forty years of them successfully keeping him locked up seemed silly. Michael doesn’t go forty years without a victim either. He certainly victimized the doctor into being crazy himself. Nobody escapes Michael. Hope you all caught the Figaro reference in the nut house too.
The new movie was fantastic! Best Halloween since Halloween 2. JJC was exactly what the Shape should be, I keep reading people thinking he was robotic or stiff, that’s what he was supposed to be, no emotion. JLC was perfect as the crazy Hobbit grandma. And the humor was well placed with the kid leaving the babysitter for dead lol. IMO Best Movie of 2018. For the longest time I was loosing interest in horror/slasher films, because so many bad ones, sad but true. After watching 2018 Halloween it renewed my love for Myers and Slashers. That alone made it my Movie of the year. Yes it was not perfect (doctor puts mask on) but compare it to any slasher film in the last 20 years. It’s definitely up there
I love h18, a lot. It’s even my #2 which was hadd for me to imagine, but I felt overall there were few bad things and those bad things were fairly minor and not like “holy fucking shit that was so bad”. There’s nothing like that for me, I agree that the julian comedy was a bit overdone though. I would have been fine if he didnt ruin a kill for me that could have been very dark and terrifying. Honestly just having the kid act terrified instead of saying “oh shit!” when vicky dies. And unlike a lot of you I don’t mind the sartain twist, I thought it was a nice way to spice things up a bit. Now could it have used some work? Yeah it could have used that but imo it works fine as is. Would have been nice to have some hints at that twist earlier on though
I rewatched the movie a few times now and if you watch it with dr sartain being a metaphor for us fans you will enjoy him more. I dont know if it was done on purpose but since the moment he is introduced his lines and reactions is not that far off from a crazy fan, check out the scene he first sees JLC, he is starstruck. He is obsessed with the shape and anything that is related to him and even puts on the mask, he wants to be him, kinda like us fans going to the extreme lengths of getting the movie accurate masks, the accurate coveralls, shirt, boots and even knives. We are also obsessed with the shape and want to “inhabit” him by wearing the same clothes and mask he wears, we wanna kinda feel what he feels lol. Only sartain had gone completely batsh*t crazy.
As I said before , I think it’s a solid movie, but it had potential to be a “great” movie. After watching the movie again yesterday, I was able to see a little more of it’s flaws. I felt the into with Jack o Lantern , was a bit rushed. It immediately starts off with the “bass” portion of the song and just ended 30 seconds later. Should of started with the piano, then add the bass.
I definitely agree. Although I personally loved the movie, even sitting in the theater I felt like the pumpkin intro could have definitely been double the length it was.
People dont have patience with credits anymore, they had to do that or people would get bored. I think its generous we even got credits in the start, movies dont really do that anymore.